Chapter 60

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A/N: Alright here is the update. I'm sorry about not doing it yesterday. I got super sick taking an antibiotic and I couldn't do anything without feeling completely nauseous. So, I am very sorry about that. But, I am feeling much better now and I am able to give you the update ! Yay!

Just a heads up that this one is a mini filler. I don't want to cut the story short.


After I got cleaned up, I went to the living room and just had the TV on as back noise. I was just staring and not actually concentrating on anything for too long. Soon Michael and Gavin entered my vision, "Are you okay?"

"I don't know," I said honestly.

Michael sighed, "We feel the same way. We will get her back right?"

I nodded, "That's the endgame plan."

"Do you think she is okay?" Gavin asked suddenly.

"She fucking better be. I will loose it if she isn't," I growled.

They both fell silent and looked off in different directions. After a few moments Michael stood and grabbed Gavin, "We are going to check in on Jack."

I sighed and tilted my head back on the couch and kept drifting between REM sleep and actual consciousness. Suddenly Ray came in and instanly turned the TV to the news channel. The story of the night was about me killing Keasly. Seemed to be the only story tonight.

'Sadness grips LS today. A decorated officer has been slain on the line of duty. Officer Keasly has been on the force for 10 years and was declared a hero for killing the notorious Vagabond last week...' on and on it went but I tuned back out again.

Ray sighed, "People can be so stupid."

"Don't blame them. They are just going off what they are told."

"I saw the broadcast. You alright?"

"Yep. During that time I was. Now, I'm bouncing all over the map," I said looking at him.

"Everything will be fine. I can tell," Ray said while leaning back on his chair.

"You seem eerily calm about all of this. Considering what is happening."

He smiled, "Murderous intent comes and shows in different ways."

I broke and chuckled at his statement, "Fair enough Ray."

He nodded and smiled amungst himself, "It's good to laugh Ryan. Even during a time like this."

"I'm suppose to be the older and wiser one here."

"Yeah. But your dumbass is in love with a one track mind and split personality," he said smugly.

I rolled my eyes and kept quiet. But Ray suddenly jumped up, "Hey Jack."

Getting up quickly I looked at Jack, "What's up?"

"The cellphone has been turned off this entire time. It just turned on and I've pin pointed his location. But I'm gonna keep an eye on it all night to see where he goes."

"Can't we go tonight? I don't trust him with her," I said quickly.

Geoff came behind Jack, "No. She is more than capable to last the night."

I ground my teeth. I didn't want her there for the rest of the night. I wanted her here, with me and away from that excuse of a fucking guy. The way she looked when I found her the first time made my blood run cold. I would hate to see what happends this time.

"You hear me Ryan? You are home bound like everyone else until we come up with a plan," Geoff said loudly.

I nodded slightly with my head down and walked by them into my room. I hated this, but being told to stop, I had to. Having too much respect for Geoff stopped my body right where it stood. Sighing, I plunked down on my bed and ended up staring at the ceiling.

Attraction Between Light and Dark *FakeAHCrewAU* *Vagabond*Where stories live. Discover now