Chapter 22

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A/N: Alright. Here is another update :) Sorry it wasn't up earlier. My two friends wanted to go to dinner before one left for the states. It's kind of a big deal to us. So, we had to do something with her. Anyway...


Ryan POV:

    With Jack, Geoff and I in one vehicle and the Lads in another we get there in record time. Our vehicles are stopped short because of heavily armed security built like houses demanding who we are. When we are given the okay, we head up the drive way.

    Geoff whistled, "They weren't here before."

    "Something seriously fucked up happened," Jack said kind of tense.

    "Lets hope not," Geoff shook his head.

    When we got to the main door I decided to leave my alter in the vehicle. I dont need him yet.

    Yet! my mind hissed.

    I walk behind security here I wonder how anyone breaths. The house is really nice. Screams wealth but is humble about it all. Which honestly is refreshing. Ray and the other boys don't know what to do with themselves. Nerves about meeting someone this high up is intimidating. I turn around and whisper, "Breath Lads. Its all good."

    They nod and visible relax. But when six guards come out of absolute nowhere and grab us pure instinct kicks in and after some fighting and grunts; three are already on the ground as Gavin, Micheal and I each had a guard at gun point. Using them as shields and leverage if needed. Jack places herself infront of Geoff to make sure no one gets too stupid. Ray is just an extra gun surveying where everyones guns and hands are.

    "Jake! You better have a good explanation for this!" Geoff hollard to the ceiling.

    When he came to the top of the stairs he harshly laughed, "I don't need a fucking reason depending on what just happened."

    Jack tiled her head, "What did just happen?"

    When Jake came down the stairs, I am not gonna lie, I held my breath and waited for what would happen next. He was just as unperdicable as I am on a good day.

    When getting within a foot of Geoff he asked, "Where is my daughter?"

    Geoff's face went to pure confusion, "Your daughter?"

    "Where is she?!" Jake's face was pure hatered.

    "We don't have her. We were taking care of that problem we talked about earlier. We just got back."

    After staring for a little while longer, Jake nodded and the guards we were holding relaxed and pretty much went limp and everyone else put their guns down.

    Looking at Geoff, he nodded small as well which made the three of us let them go and Ray put his gun down to his side.

    Jake said looking miserable, "We should take this in my office,"

    "After what just happened, I am not going in there alone."

    Jake nodded, "Bring in only the people you trust. I will be waiting."   

    Geoff waited until Jake was out of ear shot, "Gavin, Micheal and Ray stay here and keep your backs up. Jack, Ryan and I will head in. Don't shoot anyone unless fired on. Got it?"

    The Lads nodded and started looking around trying to still be relaxed. I looked over at Geoff and he nodded toward the office door. I took that he wanted me to go through that door first and I was all for that. If I had known all this would he going down I would have brought over my alter, it definitally would have been more fun atleast.

    When we were all in the room Jake went to the door and closed it.

    Jake sighed, "I am going to be forward with you from now on Geoff. My daughter was kidnapped less than 30 minutes ago. I want and need you to help my family find her and bring her back... unharmed."

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