Chapter 35

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A/N: Hello everyone. I am glad how much attention this story is getting. I am grateful for everyone who comments and votes. This keeps me going to update and write. This chapter is just a small one. Sorry about that... but I will make up for this.


Jaxx POV

"We don't have an extra room for guests. To be honest, we weren't expecting any. Ever," Micheal said with a smile.

I laughed, "Okay.. so?"

Clearing his throat, "Well, you are going to have to share with another member of our crew. We are so sorry. He will be in later, probably after you had settled in."

"He? Oh god... can I have the couch?"

Gavin chimed in, "No offence, but we are kind of nervous having a Constantine under our roof, but if anyone find you through the windows it would be disastrous."

I nodded, "Okay. Quick question. Is he safe and not going to attack me?"

Micheal scoffed, "He would never attack you. And if we can trust him with our lives, you should too."

I sighed relieved and nodded towards the cot, "That mine?"

Gavin laughed, "No. He told us to tell you to take the bed. He will take the cot. Also, for you to go a head and take a shower, fix your arm and get settled. No offense, but you look like crap."

I laughed as well, "Thanks, I will. Thank you again guys."

They both nodded and left me alone in this bedroom. I threw my duffle bag on the bed and grabbed my cellphone. My first phone call was Alic to tell him I was all good. My next was Lo.

"OH MY GOD!" was the first thing I heard.

"Alright. I guess you're okay," I chuckled.

"Well, I am. But are you?"

"Uh, yea. Kind of. Its been a long few days," I sighed while getting my clothes prepared before my shower.

"Your bother is here. Is everything alright?" she sounded worried.

I froze while going through my duffle bag, "Yea. Well... it's complicated. But you have nothing to worry about, not with my brother there. I promise."

"Okay!" I can imagine her throwing her hands in the air, "Fine. I believe you. But you have to keep in touch."

I smiled, "I promise."

"Alright. Good night Jaxx. Be careful."

When I hung up the phone I threw it on the bed and ended up staring at it. Everything was weird. I have never snapped like that. Sarcasm was my instinct to pull when shit got real. But to go as far as I did with Greg was something I never did. It wasn't as scary as I thought, just different. Moving my right hand infront of me I see the cuts, nicks and blood coming from my knuckles. Then looking at the bullet graze I sighed and really assesed it. No blood was coming out and it just looked nasty. The pain would arrive shortly. So I grabbed the glass on the end table, filled it with water and popped some painkillers someone backed in the back and placed them on the end table. Heading into the shower, I just wanted this day to be over.

After 30 minutes I came out and got into my PJ's. I settled and kept staring off into my head thinking of all the things that had happened. Also, wondering who my new roomie would be while I was staying here. If the boys are willing to trust him without a second thought, then he can't be that bad. I decided to bandage up my wound before I would wait to see if he would show up. Going back into the bathroom, I found a huge first aid kit well stocked. I smiled and did the minimum amound of treatment to make sure it wouldn't get infected and nothing could get into it.

Sitting back down on the bed I decided to wait him out. But after staying up and trying to wait up for him, I sighed and could no longer keep my eyes open. Getting up quickly I brushed my hair out and downed the last of the water before crawling under the covers. The scent was so familure to me, but I couldn't place it. It was like my mind was trying but to tired to keep up. Tiredness won out in the end and I fell asleep.

Attraction Between Light and Dark *FakeAHCrewAU* *Vagabond*Where stories live. Discover now