Chapter 4

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Another small one today. Enjoy :)

After about four hours I walk into the office and huff, "Okay, all done."

    "Seriously?" he looked up from his papers surprised.

    "Yep. Wanna check?" I leaned up against the door.

    "Nah. I trust you. Whatever you didn't get to I will in a minute. Thank you for doing that. Honestly."

    I smile, "You are honestly welcome."

    Grabbing my stuff I head back out on to the street heading home. As I was walking home that feeling of being watched came over me again. I groan and keep walking. Maybe who ever it is will go away. Never have I avoided my instincts when it came to shit like this. They have never failed me before and I highly doubt they will turn me wrong now. Getting about half way home the feeling vanishes and my lungs suddenly inhale air I subconsciously withheld.

    Opening my front door I breath easier. The home I created here always made my mind and my body feel completely at ease. I never could explain it to people who don't understand how I grew up. Lo got it unexpectedly fast so it was super easy for us to connect and her moving in shortly after.

    "Lo? You home?" I walk towards her room as I call out. With no answer I sneak a peak into her room. Bed empty. Must have been called into work. As soon as that thought entered it decided I needed another headache. I growl and sit on the couch. Turning on the TV the news is again the first thing my eyes see. Lo must be addicted to it or something lately.

    "... another robbery happened today by the gangsters known as the Fake AH Crew in broad daylight. The casualty report has not come in but it will probably be many lives."

    I roll my eyes and scoff, "What a bunch of crock!" But for some reason I keep listening and watching.

    "All sightings of the criminals ceased moments ago. The last was of the notorious Vagabond. His real name and identity remains unknown. Police have connected him to many robberies and murders. He is the crews wreck-loose with a shoot first ask questions later mentality. They refuse to call him a serial killer, but the thought is there.

    I laugh, "All hail the bias right wing media! I wonder how much you don't get paid notoriously stupid constantly outside reporter..." I look for the remote to change the channel. But before I can a picture of Vagabond leaps on the screen. That wasn't what caught my attention what did was the blurry out of focus shot of me in the corner. Its hard to tell but it seems like he is looking at me. Was he the one following me? Why? Suddenly my brain went 'coincidence' and I seemed to accept that. I changed the channel before I could hear anything more.

Attraction Between Light and Dark *FakeAHCrewAU* *Vagabond*Where stories live. Discover now