Chapter 28

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A/N: Alright, here is my update. This one is going to be a long one. Actually, the next few are either going to be really long or stupidly short. For that, I am sorry. Also, a lot of the next few chapters are going to be in Ryan's POV instead of Jaxx. Sorry about that.


Ryan POV Part 1

"This plan sucks," Gavin grumbled while heading toward the vehicle we arrived in.

Geoff was silent during the meeting and plan drawing. Leaving Jack to ask and answer everything on her own. Of course she knew all the answers. But I could tell there was something more than what she was letting on. I've been around long enough to tell.

Opening the car door he said, "I don't like it either Gav. But this isn't our show."

After settling into the back seat before closing the door Gavin sighed, "I know. The plan is solid..."

"But using us as human shields is fucked up," Micheal said bitterly slamming the door of the driver side.

Jack and Geoff got into the other car without saying anything. I sighed and followed suit and got into the back seat. We had two hours to get everything we needed for one hell of a gun fight when it erupted. Meeting the Constantine crew at the designated check point was the plan going forward when we were ready.

Both SUVs were absolutely quiet. Micheal followed us all the way home. No gimmicks or yelling. Nothing. It was not normal and it bothered me more than I thought it would. No one liked what was happening. But if we were in this for the long haul we just had to get it over with and continue on with our messy existence.

Arriving at our house was some what calming. I immediatly thought of what Jaxx would think of this life. Would she be okay with me going into something like this practically blind and not knowing if I would get out alive? Giving this up wouldn't be an option and I'm a killer who has the perfect out lit.

You think she would accept both of us? the back of my mind hissed.

In honesty, I hope so. She seems the type to accept some thing beyond her. And I'm so drawn to her and who she is, it's weird.

Groaning I grabbed my mask from the seat beside me and got out of the car.

"You guys know what to do. Only take what you need," Geoff said not looking away from the house.

Jack and I both stayed behind with Geoff as the Lads head into the house. I was the first to speak, "You are having second thoughts."

Geoff snorted, "I'm thinking its a fucking ambush Ryan. I don't like ANY of this."

"It's not logical for them to do that Geoff. They could burn through countless crews in their favour before coming to us. To mow us down first is not the smartest move. Especially if we have done nothing wrong in their name," Jack said calmly.

I nodded, "There are some things we don't know Jack."


Geoff glared at Jack, "The girls name. What she looks like. Fucking nothing!"

Jack looked back at Geoff, "Hence why one of the brothers is going with us. To spot her out. You are overreacting."

Looking like a spring wond way too tight, Geoff just stayed in one spot while I moved in front of Jack, "Just go get ready Jack. I'll talk to him."

While Jack was walking to the house a sudden sound of flesh hitting metal fired into the air.

"Better?" I asked after he started to actually feel the pain in his hand.

"No. I just can't let anything happen to any of you let along the Lads Ryan. No cock sucking way."

"They will be fine. They can take care of each other. They have been doing it for years Geoff."

Geoff smirked, "More like covering for Gavin for years. But you're right."

"They are idiots. But I get the need to protect them too because they are our idiots."

Geoff nodded and patted my back. Looking towards the house he sighed sadly, "We better get ready."

I nodded and headed in before Geoff and right to my room. Heading in, I looked around my room. This may be a house, but this is our home. We made it that way with those young ones. It wouldn't be a home without them. I suddenly understood why Geoff is so sad; and it settled right into my chest.

Walking over to my closet and throwing my mask on my bed, I opened it and saw everything I needed. My usual jacket, knives, a holder for my mask and the facepaint I use for underneath. Shaking my head, I started to get out of my normal clothes into my "other" ones. I decided it was a good idea to go over the plan again in my head.

Alic and I go in silently and kill as many as we can without being detected while Ray and Greyson take out the men walking outside the building. Not including anyone coming in/out to see what was up.

After we make it into the building and we get in far enough, Micheal, Gavin, Jack and a few other hired guns go in behind us to take out people we missed.

Jake has his two other sons at his house feeding us intel from their house. While having Geoff waiting beside him until we have his daughter. Which is good and bad considering because of his recent wounds and if we fuck this up in anyway. Jake wouldn't hesitate to put a bullet in Geoffs head.

Apparently they don't want us to kill the guy who took her on sight. But rather make an example of him. Which I don't blame them for wanting. I would do the same in a heart beat.

The odds in this are heavily against us. We are going in with possibly 10 tops, while we don't know how many are on their side. Intel would be there when we do. Nothing like leaving us in the darkest of corners.

Putting just the black face paint on and arming myself to the teeth. I roughly grab the mask off my bed and head out of my room to the living room. Gun clicking and metal sliding into place can be heard intensly all over the room. Everyone was here doing the last of the cleaning and placing together before Geoff came in.

"Alright," I turned and saw Geoff stand infront of me in a pure black suit. He honestly looked like he was going to a funeral. But I also noticed the bulletproof vest underneath the shirt. It was the only one big enough for it. Plus he was playing it as safe as we were even though we were the ones going in.

Jack stood up and nodded, "Ready when you are."

When I looked at Geoff again he looked back with sad eyes. I understood now what he was thinking. If he could, he would make all of us disappear and hide each of us until this whole thing blew over. But this isn't how it works. So I threw him a small smile, "Everything will be fine Geoff. We got this."

Heading to the larger vehicle we had so everyone could fit we all got into our normal spots with Micheal driving. I slipped my mask on as we headed out of the driveway. I guess it really was time for him to come out and play.

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