Chapter 70

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A/N: Alright. Here is the chapter I missed last week. A lot was happening and I was too worked up and emotional to update or let anyone know that I wasn't going to be able to do so. I am so sorry about that. This story is almost finished. Only two more chapters and it is finished. Thank you to everyone who has stuck around for this journey. It has been a wonderful one that I would do again in a heart beat. Thank you to everyone who has voted, commented, added to their reading lists and/or private library and who have followed me. That is all I want to say right now.


A Week Later...

"Are you sure you want to go?" Ryan asked while I was laying on him.

"I know I have a choice, but it feels like I don't either," I said hearing his heart beat. His banishment from the bed was over after my chat with the Lads.

"I get that. I am just nervious about you going alone," he said honestly.

I got up and sat beside him but facing him, "I know. But I'm not alone. I have to do this and not just for them but for me."

Ryan looked at me for a second then nodded, "Okay. Okay. That was my attempt to talk you out of it."

I laughed, "Quite the attempt. I applaud you, Sir."

"Keep the applause. I will take something else however," he smiled while sitting up.

"Oh really?" I said laughing.

"Yep," he said before kissing me.

Quickly the kiss turned into a make out session. Ryan moved back and let his back hit the headboard. Following his lead, I crawled into his lap. He growled and held my hips firmly, "Fuck..."

I airly laugh. "My thoughts exactly."

"Plus you are wearing too many clothes."

"I'm supposed to be leaving soon remember?"

He nodded and kissed me again. I laughed and went with it.

"Hang on. Stop," I said pausing.

"What? What happened?" Ryan asked confused.

"Huh... they aren't here."


"The Lads always interrupt us when we are in this position," I said smiling at Ryan.

"You just jynxed it... they will be here soon. Just watch," he laughed and began to kiss me again.

I just laughed and kissed back. Everything was getting better, but there was one thing that was still hanging over my head that needed to be fixed.

Without much thought and seriously getting into what was happening I started to move against Ryan.

Ryan groaned, "You can't do that. Fuck..."

Suddenly a knock sounded through the room, "Yo Jaxx. Greyson is here!"

I chuckled while looking at a deflated Ryan, "You are right. I can't."

"For fuck sake... She will be right there!" Ryan yelled.

As soon as I tried to move he gripped my hips, "Okay, I do need to get up."

"Fine. But you are coming back right?"

"Yes. Most definitely. I kind of don't have a choice after this," I laughed and got up to leave the room.

Walking down the hall Greyson stood there holding his breath, "Ready?"

"As I'll ever be. Let's go," I said and leaving the mansion.

The drive was a quiet one. We were both in our little worlds. Wondering what was going to happen. Pulling into the driveway we both stopped and just stared at the house was no longer a home. To any of us 'children'.

"Let's go. It's now or never," I said getting out of the car.

Greyson and I walked right into the house like we owned it. Alic and Ethan came down the stairs at the same time. Our mothers stood between all of us looking like she didn't know who to go for. All the while Charlie stood at the top banister watching it all.

Alic stopped beside our mom, "You shouldn't be here. This is not going to go well.'

"No. I've dealt with worse Alic. I'm staying."

Ethan scoffed, "You've dealt with internal sabotage and kidnapping?"

Our mom finally looked at me, "No. But I am so sorry about this Jaxx."

"Yeah... Shall we?" I said slightly ignoring her.

Instantly my 'father's' study opened, "Ah! My children. What do I owe the pleasure?"

Growling, I stepped up and punched him in the face, "Fuck you!"

Greyson grabbed my arm and made me back to where I was before, "Enough."

Our father turned to me, his nose was bleeding pretty intensly, "You little..."

Alic instantly got infront of me, "Fucking try it old man." At the same time Greyson pulled a gun out and kept it at his side.

Our mothers eyes got big, "No. There is no need for that Greyson," she tried to grab him. She was stopped short when he instantly moved away from her like she was diseased.

"We need to talk old man," Alic clipped and walked into the study.

The rest of us followed suit, our father sat at his desk wiping his nose of the blood that was coming out slowly now, "Quite the mess here kids."

I mocked laughed, "Happens when you conspire against your own."

"You put our name in complete jeopardy. You almost threw everything we stand for out for a damn penis measuring contest," Alic said sitting down.

"Are you sure about that? Everything seems fine with us," he said cooly.

"Only because I reassured them a few things. Only then were they willing to continue to back us."

He went ridgid, "What things?"

"A change of management Jake. You are no longer allowed to be in charge of our clan, business, plans, men. Fuck all nothing," Alic stared at Jake.

"You can't do this!!" Jake yelled rising to his feet and throwing the cloth he used to wipe the blood on his desk.

Alic stared boredly at him, "Too late. Everything has already changed into our hands."

"You are going to throw your own parents out on the street?!"

Greyson smirked, "Quit being dramatic. As much as we would love to do that for your treason. We agreed to let you have a percentage that allows you to live here comfortably."

"And where are the rest of you going to live because it won't be under my roof!"

Ethan was the next to talk, "No problem. Alic and I have a place in the City. Jaxx is staying with the Fake AH Crew. And we have a place for Greyson. You can keep Charlie, he was your spy. If he wants to leave in the end he can do that."

"My children finally abandon me," Jake said in a dramatic fashion and sat back down.

Alic stood up and glared at him, "You're lucky that is all we are doing. People wanted us to put a fucking bullet in your head. And right now... our trigger fingers are itchy. The only thing stopping us is the one woman who raised us. She still loves your traitor ass."

I shook my head, "God knows why. But if anything happens to her or we hear you are hindering our plans... One of us coming here won't be a friendly visit."

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