Chapter 30

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A/N: Sorry for the late update. I just haven't been feeling it at all lately. On top of that there are things happening in my town that have my attention and keeps me up late. Damn Air Show... Anyway, here you are.

Enjoy. By the way... this one has both point of views. Actually the next two chapters will, be careful.

Jaxx POV//Ryan POV - Switching.

J-    Looking around the room I was being held in I noticed that the number of men watching me went from several to two. I laughed and shook my head. They must be trying to beef up security on the outside before the people coming to get me actually got to me. Hearing a small thud against the wall behind me, my eyes went huge before I quickly looked at the guards, who didn't seem to notice.

Suddenly my kidnapper and several men come barging back into the room like the outside was on fire, "They're outside. Make sure it stays that way. I still need her here!"

Everyone had their guns trained onto the door infront of me. If anyone so much as made a knocking sound would get several rounds blasted into them all at once. I took a final look around and moved my hair out of my face. Prepared for whatever was coming through that door, just please let them have good aim.

Another thud that was closer was heard. Then rapid gun fire. Going from subtle to all out war. I immediatly stiffened when my shoulder was gripped and a gun was placed next to my head.

I heard methodical foot steps were heard getting closer and closer to the door. Like they were their own gun shots.

-She has to be behind this door. It's the only place left. Be careful.-

Before the handle was touched something in me snapped and I felt the intense need to warn who ever was on the other side of what was going to happen. So, I screamed the most clique thing on the planet, "It's a trap! Don't touch the door!"

Instantly I recieved a slap to the face.

"Bitch," he growled while putting the gun back against my head.

R-    Alic and I had made a lof of progress until someone came up behind us and shot up the crate beside Alic.

"Fuck!" he yelled and ducked.

I instantly got up and fired a single shot to his chest.

Ray came forward on the mic, "The rest of you get in there. No one else is alive outside."

"Got it," Micheal said while moving to one of the several enterances. While Alic and I tried to keep everything quiet, it seemed useless because there was no one around. But keeping to the plan we checked room after room like someone wanted a bullet in us.

"Ethan, she isn't here. We have checked everywhere," Alic growled.

"She has to be. That is the intel we have," A younger voice said.

"Well then what the actual fuck Ethan?!"

"Okay, tell me the rooms you have been in."

Alic looked down right ready to kill the younger sibilings at the helm at home. "God sakes. The room..."

As he began I decided to move around on my own. This was too easy. Getting in here, there were no more then 20. So maybe he didn't have as many men as we thought, but this doesn't make sense. If you kidnap someone of this much worth... why not keep this place locked down like a well secured bank?

A different voice came in, "You guys forgot one. End of a hall on your guys' right. There is a room."

"You sure Charlie?" Alic asked in a calm voice.

"Yea. That one is the last. And given the info you gave us there isn't any other option."

Right at that moment Jack and the others came behind us, "The whole building is empty. Unless there is somewhere they are keeping everyone, we didn't find it."

I nodded while Alic stood beside me pointing down the straight hallway, "We haven't checked that room yet."

Jack made a face and looked at me, "Perfect bottle neck if she is down that way."

Alic quickly went down and up the hall, "She is right. There are a few alcoves. That's it."

Shrugging, I walked down the hallway not caring who could hear me. I knew the others would follow me, they would just be way more quiet about it than I am.

Alic said behind me, "She has to be behind this door. Its the only place left. Be careful."

I nodded, but before I could even touch the handle to check someone on the other side screamed, "It's a trap! Don't touch the door!" Then a resounding slap.

Moving my hand from the handle I hear Alic growl, "Fucking asshole."

Turning to Jack I whispered, "Take everyone out of the hall. I'm gonna get them to unload their weapons. While they are reloading, rush the hall and open fire. But don't touch the girl."

Jack nodded and moved everyone done the hall while Alic found an alcove a few feet away. I gripped the handle and swung the door open before hitting the ground.

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