Chapter 26

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A/N: This one is pretty short. I will probably update again tomorrow to make up for it. Please excuse any mistakes. I am doing this right before I pass out after work. Thank you.


Ryan POV

When we went back to the Constantine house, I felt this charge in the air that wasn't there before. It was one of deadly intent. And the part of my mind where that bastard lived looked up and smiled.

Ray looked around and couldn't help but comment, "Jesus... anyone else feel that?"

Michael scoffed, "Who doesn't ?"

Geoff tilted is head towards the lads, "Keep everything calm. We might get split up. Just go with it."

Michael nodded, "Yea, okay. But I'm not happy about the splitting up part."

Jack grabbed Gavin by the shoulders and looked at Michael, "Just make sure HE goes with you."

Ray smiled while Michael let out a windy laugh, "Done."

Gavin looked at the three of them and then me, "What?"

I shook my head with an amusing smile on my face, "They are trying to make sure your ass is still alive at the end of this."

"Why wouldn't I be alive?!"

"Two words Gavin. Shooting. Practice."

Gavin looked like he was going to implode, "That was not my fault!"

I looked over to Geoff and whispered down to Gavin, "Put the pin back in?"

"I...," he quietly went behind Michael and opened up his gun. "Yes!"

Michael didn't look back when he started laughing, "You actually had to check behind my back to say yes to Ryan?"

Gavin glared at the back of Michaels head before saying, "Maybe."

Michael shook his head, "Jesus Christ Gavin."

When we heard someone move to our left we looked over and saw a guy who looked exactly like Constantine, just 20 years younger. He also had the same eyes as Jaxx - No! We cannot think about her right now. Not with him so close to invading my mind.

He smiled and came over to us, "You guys must be the crew my father asked to help out. Im Alic - Ryan?"

I looked at him stunned, but then I remembered I have worked with him a few times in the past. We just never exchanged too many pleasantries. I smiled, "Hey Alic, good to see you. We are sorry for what happened."

Alic nodded and looked us over, "I am going to say that it's okay. But that would be a lie. Im pissed and ready to kill."

Geoff stepped up and held out his hand, "Im Geoff. Leader of this crew. Nice to meet you."

Alic took his hand immediately, "Of course. Sorry. Like wise. My father is just setting my brothers up and we are good to go."

Ray tilted his head, "Brothers?"

"Yea, there are a few of us. The older ones are going to help. The youngest ones are going to stay here and still collect information. Just in case for a plan B scenario. "

Ray let out a laugh, "Plan B? Damn, thinking a head is key."

Alic looked at Ray with some confusion before Gavin spoke up, "We usually don't think that far a head."

Suddenly Alic looked at me and smiled, "Now I get why you do some of the things you did on our last mission together."

I shrugged and laughed, "Old habits."

"I hear ya."

Suddenly a door opens to our left and Jake walks out with three other perfectly identical clones to himself, "Ready for the plan?"

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