Chapter 63

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A/N: Here is the update as per usual. It is a bit early because I am doing a bunch of adulting today and I still wanted to get this done. Thank you to everyone for everything. It means so much to me. Don't worry, I am cooking up something good for the finale.


Ryan POV

I held my breath as we made our way to the Navy Yard. We've been busted more than once dicking around in here. Either trying to steal shit or making the military officers lives complete hell for our entertainment.

A ring of a cellphone gripped me back into reality. Alic swore, "It's my father."

Geoff looked behind him from the passenger seat of our armoured Humvee we piled most of us into, "Answer it. He might still be a little useful."

Alic hesitated before accepting the call and put it on speaker, "What?"

"Not a way to talk to me Alic," Jake's voice was tense.

"Tough shit. What do you want?" Alic said while looking at Geoff.

"The Leader of that mess of a crew called me."

"The one you sold Jaxx out to... So what? I'm handling it."

A small silence on the other end was nerve wracking. But what Jake said next was beyond normal, "Come home."

I looked at the phone while Alic's face was all messed up, "Excuse me?"

"This has nothing to do with us. Just bring your brothers and yourself home. Now."

"Nothing to do... Fuck you! You're the reason she was kidnapped! You handed her over to move the FakeAHCrew. Which were already getting organized. So, no we aren't just coming home."

"You cannot disobey me like this! I still control everything!"

"I can and will. And about that... it might be time for new management," Alic said before hanging up.

I reached over and grabbed the radio mic  passing it to Alic, "Tell the other car. Your brothers and Ray need to know what's happening."

They were just as shocked and angry as Alic was. I don't blame them, I was kind of shocked on that move myself.

Michael drove up to the Yard's front enterance and stopped. Alic got out and talked with the two officers there. No more than a minute passed before Alic hopped back in and told Michael to go threw.

"Fuck man. Those connections totally come in handy," Michael said awe-like.

Alic smirked but didn't say a thing back. He had the connections now... but for how much longer. His name was up in the air at this point. That would kill the mood for anyone.

Michael stopped before the small ridge that led into the cabins. The black car that followed pulled up beside us. Everyone exited and formed a wonky circle between the vehicles.

Ray spoke up first, "Greyson will be on the roof of a cabin they aren't using on the furthest end. I will be on top of the humvee. Don't move until we are in place and have dealt with whose around. No 'only me' bullshit this time."

Everyone nodded and started to gear up. Gavin handed me a mic set and stood next to me while we were getting ready. This was getting pretty real for the Brit, "We will be fine Gav."

He just nodded and went over to Michael. I sighed as I put my mask on letting everything go and just feeling it.

"Alright!" Geoff said, "Everyone in a huge circle surrounding the cabins. We move as one to sweep one line of cabins in the outter circle. No one moves forward until we are all all-clear. Ray and Greyson will help if we are being snuck up on or missed someone. Quick and quiet gentlemen. That is what we are aiming for. Ryan, you have the front enterance of the cabin Jaxx is staying in. The circle from there to your left is Jack, Ethan, Michael, Gavin, Alic then me at your right. Any questions?"

When no one said anything Geoff nodded to Ray, "Go."

Ray pushed Greyson towards the black car and Ray jumped in our humvee and moved it slightly over the ridge to the extraction point and Ray's perch. Greyson drove the long way around to the cabin on the other end. Another get away point should we need it.

"Alright. Mic check Grey and Ray," Alic said.

Ray cleared his throat, "Yep"

Greyson groaned before answering, "I got you."

"Good, say when you're in position."

"Give me a second. Hang on," Greyson said again.

Everyone else checked their mics before Ray and Greyson said 'their in positions'. Which immediatly caused the rest of us to go into action.

Attraction Between Light and Dark *FakeAHCrewAU* *Vagabond*Where stories live. Discover now