Chapter 54

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A/N: Here we are. I know this is hella early, but I have such a busy day today and I still want to update. And I know while I am out doing things this is going to be in the back of my mind to be done. So, I might as well do it super early. Sorry about last week, I couldn't get on the computer or even near one until the next day. I am going to try and never do that again. I am looking into getting my own laptop next week.0

 Thank you again to everyone who is reading this. I never thought I would look forward to writing every week.

Anyway... Enjoy!

I glared at my father hard, "Why am I here?"

"Because I needed you home with me," he said absently.

"You are so full of shit," I mock laughed at him.

He held his head high, "I have no malice intentions here. I just wanted you home and away from them."

"I was safe there. Here, I am not. You trusted them enough to allow me to stay, now you are backing out of your word. What the fuck?"

"They are dangerous to me now," he shrugged casually but looking angry.

"They were always dangerous! There is a reason they have the rep they do. I don-," I stepped towards my father when I stopped dead, "Who told you?"

My father scoffed at me, "I don't know what you mean."

"Will you stop lieing to me?!" I yelled and pointed at him, "Who?"

He didn't say a word and just kept looking past me like I wasn't even there. So, I looked up at my brothers, "Which one. Now."

"Not me," Alic said first.

"Us neither," Ethan said pointing at Greyson.

Everyone looked at Charlie waiting for his answer. When he said nothing and just shrugged Ethan almost got ahold of him before Greyson stopped him.

"You motherfucker! We trusted you! You knew what Dad would do and you go off and tell him!" Ethan yelled struggling out of Greyson's iron grip.

"Fuck you Ethan! How was I suppose to know this would happen?" Charlie said not moving from the wall he backed himself into.

Tears swam in my eyes as they went on. Feelings of betrayal, saddness, fear, and hurt all flowed through my veins while I stood there.

"Why?" I asked quietly at first. But the second time I yelled so loud they all instantly stopped.

Charlie sighed, "Because we know who his is. Who he really is. I thought Dad should know that you are sleeping with one of the most notorious criminals in our life time."

Tears fell down my face as I laughed at him, "You're a real class act Charlie. Jesus. What does it matter who I sleep with? And for the record, even though it is none of your fucking business, I didn't fuck him. But can you answer the first part Charlie?"

"I didn't think -"

"No! You didn't! God Charlie. During a time like this I was happy. I don't know how but I was. You took that from me."

"Jaxx, I -" he tried again.

"I don't care Charlie. I really don't. Just go away," I dismissed him completely.

"Done?" My father asked.

"No. After that crew is gone, so am I. I am done playing this game," I said without emotion.

He ignored my first statement, "We are having an event. Get ready."

"No. I am staying in my room until this nightmare is over," I shook my head.

"I said get ready Jaxx!" he yelled while stepping towards me.

"And I said no. I am no longer a pawn you can flash around to prove you have a good family dynamic," I said unmoving as he got closer.

"How dare you!" my father yelled looming over me.

"Let's not go there Dad," looking up at him unblinking.

"And what would you like me to tell the guests who came to see you?"

Shrugging at him, I wipped my tears away, "Tell the truth. Better yet make something out of thin air. It's what you're good at. Ask Charlie for help."

He backed up a few feet allowing me breathing room. I turned around and grabbed my bag before starting for the stairs. Walking past Alic he had sympathy mixed with anger on his face. When I got to the top, the others had the same face. Charlie took off after I told him to. Ethan stepped in behind me when I passed him, "I am sorry Jaxx. I thought he could be trusted."

When I got to my door open I turned and all three were at different feet towards my door, "I know. I am still processing this. But as one punishment he never gets to know why I left. Even though he made my fears and reasons a reality. Got it?"

After all three nodded I quietly closed my door. I fished out my phone and called the one person who knew nothing.

"Hey Jaxx.... what's wrong?"

I took a shakey breath before answering, "Hey Lo. I just need to hear a friends voice."

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