Chapter 44

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A/N: Sorry about the late update. Its been a crazy day. I haven't really stopped since early this morning. Anyway, here is the next chapter ! Yay!! Thank you again to everyone reading, commenting and voting. It means a lot.


Jaxx POV

The doctor helping Ryan came in as soon as my hysterical moment passed and I was numbed out. He moved over to Ryan quickly while I moved out of the way. Geoff spotted me and motioned me to follow him out of the make shift surgical room. When I stopped in front of him, he sighed, "Scale on 1-10. How mad are you about Ryan?"

I laughed with tears in my eyes, "Honestly. I don't know. I'm numb. I had no idea."

He just nodded, "We know. We thought easing you into knowing he was Vagabond would be the best idea considering."

It was my turn to nod, "I get that. It's just shock. And the fact I thought I was liked enough to be given the truth."

"You are. You've impressed the hell out of all of us. The Lads adore you. Ray may not seem like he cares, but he does."

"I'm gonna go into uhh- the room I'm staying in. Wake me if anything happens," I said monotoned while walking back to the room I came from.

Sitting on the bed carefully; the picture in my head of Ryan and a future was starting to crumble which made me even sadder. When my phone started to ring I wanted to ignore it, but decided to answer, "Yep."

"You alright?" Alic said quickly.

"Uh. Yeah. Why?"

"I heard Vagabond got shot. We thought something went down at the house," Alic said sounding relieved.

"Nothing like that. They brought him here," even I sounded weak to myself.

"You found out. Didn't you?" Alic sighed.

"Found out...?"

"That Ryan was Vagabond. That's why you sound so off."

"You have to be kidding me," I said wiping away a tear, "You fucking knew too."

"Jaxx, anyone who was worked with him for a long period of time knows. When Lo mentioned the name, Ethan and I knew this would happen."

"How would you know?" I asked harshly.

"Because Jaxx you-"

"Because I'm weak? Because I'm not made of fucking stone and I'm hurt? Because I wasn't trained to hide these kinds of emotions? Because of what Alic?"

"Hey! That is not what I ment! When was the last team if ever you've fallen this hard for a guy?" Alic asked just as harshly.

"No...," I said sniffling.

"Exactly. That is what I ment," he sighed heavily before continuing, "Jaxx, take it from a guy who was in the same position as Ryan. He kept this from you not to lie to you, but to get you to stick around and get to know the man behind the mask and the name. Plus don't be mad at the rest of his crew. They were protecting him just like we would expect of you."

"Okay. I haven't thought about it all that way," I said guilty.

"It's alright. Oh and you are never weak. Think about what's happened over the past week. Anyone else would have major PTSD and be jumpy. Instead you're willing to move on. You are stronger than you think Jaxx."

"People keep telling me that. I just don't see it."

"Well, you chose a guy who is just as notorious as us. That right there makes you strong."

I chuckled, "Had to pick someone who could take our crazy on."

Alic chuckled, "What a damn choice Jaxx."

I ended up laughing too but it was short lived, "So, you okay with it?"

"Honestly, not really. Going to have to get used to it. But only if you are going to hold out with him."

I sighed, "We are gonna have to see. I won't make any decisions right now. I have way too many thoughts buzzing around."

"Good idea Jaxx. Call if anything happends. Okay?"

"I promise. Bye Alic."

"Night Jaxx."

Attraction Between Light and Dark *FakeAHCrewAU* *Vagabond*Where stories live. Discover now