Chapter 15

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A/N: Okay. I am somewhat on time this time. Yay! Here is another chapter. Hopefully you are all still on board with this.


Ryan's POV

A sudden feeling of mischievousness took me over like my inner child wanted out and now. Looking over at Gavin, he was cleaning his gun and inspecting it. He was actually pretty good at it. However he did scare the fuck out of us the first time he cleaned his gun. It accidentally discharged. Everyone went still and doe eyed until the Brit called out that he was fine. I know he knows he scared the fuck out of everyone pretty bad. His solution was to make sure he always pulled the clip and empty the chamber religiously every time he went into this room. Another thing was that someone was always in the room with him in case his ass forgot and he did end up shooting himself. I shook my head to get that thought away. Thinking about that wasn't the best idea especially for what we were getting ready for. Noticing the firing pin to his gun rolled further away from him than he probably thought I stretched out and snagged it before he caught me.

"Alright, I'm done," Gavin said smiling.

"Really? If you say so," I shrugged.

That line has always made the lad second guess everything.

"Wait... what are you talking about?," he looked at me completely confused.

"Think Gav," I said as I got up and headed out into the living room where the other lads are talking.

"Sup Ryan?," Micheal asks when he sees me head towards them.

I hold up Gavin's missing firing pin and laugh, "Your boi isn't that smart. Guess what this is."

Ray laughs and looks at Micheal, "Serious?"

I nod and wait for Micheal to catch up. Suddenly his eyes light up, "Fuck! That's his... Oh my god," Micheal laughs and takes the pin. "Hey boi! Lets get some target practice in."

The Brit claps, "I'm up for that!"

Coming down the hall like nothing could mess with him he heads outside with the three of us on his tail. This... was going to be good. Micheal grabbed his side arm, lined up and fired at the various bottles and cans we set up a few days ago. When he finally backed off and slid the safety on, Gavin took his place in the exact same stance. Ray took his phone out of his pocket and started to record. When he finally fired the gun... nothing happened. The lads were all looking away to keep from complete melt downs of laughter. Gavin being Gavin he decided to fire again; another whole lot of nothing happened.

"What the.... gahhh...." Gavin looked angered and confused all at one time. He looked at us like we were just going to give him the answer. Micheal was the first to break and start laughing.

Trying to keep a straight face I felt obligated to antagonize the lad, "Gavin... what happened? I thought you said you had everything..."

Ray lost his shit after that one comment. Gavin's face trying to piece together what just happened and what we all meant was priceless. I was glad Ray was recording it.

When it finally dawned on him what was missing and what I meant he came up to me with his head slightly lowered, "Ryan... can I have it back please?"

I smiled, "I don't have it Gavin."

His face went red, "But you took it!"

I nodded, "I did. But I don't have it now."

As soon as that sentence left my mouth Micheal takes off back into the house with Gavin hot on his heels. Ray stopped the recording and chuckled, "Nice one Ryan."

I smiled and bowed, "That went better than I thought it would. Thanks for recording that. Blackmail is always appreciated."

Ray waved the device in the air before putting it back in his pocket, "I'm going to get ready. I have a feeling we will be leaving soon."

I nodded and looked beyond the trees. Sighing my brain went to Jaxx. I honestly hope she was alright. My stunt shouldn't cost her her perfectly clean record. Hearing buzzing I instinctively went into my pocket and fished out the phone. I answered without looking at the ID. There are only 7 people who knew this number, "Hello?"

"Its Geoff. Get the boys ready. We are heading out as soon as I get out of this suit."

"Sounds good," I hang up and head inside. I better start doing what I need to do as well. First things first is to clear my mind of everything and tap into that sick fuck that follows me around everywhere.

"Get ready Lads! Almost time to go!"

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