Chapter 25

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A/N: I'm sorry that I am a day late in updating. I was so tired yesterday after my 10 hour shift, I just collapsed and didn't get up until I had to go back to work. None the less... here it is.


Waking up was excrusiatingly painful. As soon as I opened my eyes my vision was blurry and I only made out shadows.

"I told you NOT to hurt her!" A voice boomed behind me.

"S-she kept s-struggling! W-we had no choice," Another voice came forward.

"You fucking idiots! Did anyone see you?"

"Um... uh..."

"You're joking. Please tell me no one saw you Greg."

"One of the brothers may have shot at us before we could get her in the van."

Complete silence engulfs the room until a bone crushing fist to the face sounded around the room, "You are lucky I'm not allowed to kill you!!"

I laughed, "I already would have considering the massive fuck ups you pulled. Kidnapping me was the first."

The one called Greg stood up and got in my face, "Shut up bitch. You're the one in the chair. Not me."

Smiling sweetly at him, "That could definitely change sunshine."

"You little...-" as soon as he raised his hand to hit me; the one actually in charge punched him again in the face.

"She's right! Touch her in anyway and I will trade you two places. Give you a first hand education on what Constantines are really made of."

Shit. He knows! Of course he does, we are kidnapped!

Trying to act nonchalant I ask, "Why am I here?"

The main one in charge looked at me with an eyebrow raised, "You don't know?"

I scoffed, "Last name Constantine. That name comes with enemies."

"So why you do want to know?" He said while getting close to my face. His brown eyes held intellegance and they matched his well slicked back black hair.

I shrugged at him, "To be a well infromed hostage."

He laughed, "You are here as a bargaining chip for LS. We want the crew in charge to disappear and your family knows how to do that."

"We don't negotiate," I stated simply.

"He will to get his only daughter back unscathed," he said matter of factly.

I laughed at him, "Unscathed? I have bruises all over me from the struggle. My wrists are raw from the metal handcuffs. Not including the blunt force trauma to the back of my head that is still bleeding. You aren't doing a good job at this."

His face went from amusement to anger, "I can make you shower and change your clothes."

"They would think you did terrible sexual things to me and open fire on your asses."

He shook his head in anger and started to pace, "This was suppost to be easy!"

I shrugged, "If you wanted easy you dont steal the most precious member of a notorious crime family. Duhh!"

Looking like he wants to hit me be b-lines for me and ends up hitting Greg again. I would have felt sorry for him, but he kidnapped me from my family home and cuffed me to a chair in a cement room. What a guy.

The one in charge's phone went off. Growling he answered it, "What?!"

I instantly look around to get my barrings in check. This room is so plain a jail cell would have been better. No toilet either. So they knew I wouldn't be here long through a rescue mission or negotiation. Or they had a sick sence of humour and wanted me to beg everytime I had to use the bathroom. Please let it be the first one.

"Are you kidding me?! Fucking moron!" He threw the phone against the wall.

Greg decided to stop standing and chilled up against the wall. Looking concerned he asked, "Whats wrong?"

Glaring at me he said harshly, "They are coming for their daughter... and they aren't alone."

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