Chapter 66

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A/N: As promised... a new update. I am glad people are really wanting to know what is going to happen. I have figured out the ending after talking with my friend who has no idea who AH is. I think that helped. Anyway...


Ryan POV

Snapping the last guys neck, I walked up to the door behind Geoff. Trying to control my breathing and adrenaline I got on the mic, "Everyone alright?"

Another chorus of 'Im Okays' and grunts came back to me. I sighed and moved behind Goeff when a voice behind the door spoke, "You shouldn't be alive!"

I scoffed while Geoff spoke up, "Yeah, I've heard that a lot over the years."

Some silence on the other end before he spoke again, "You ready to finally negotiate?"

I stepped forward to burst through the door but was stopped by Ethan, "Let them talk."

Geoff came infront of me and whispered, "Ask the sky what it sees." Before facing the door again, "Sure. We need to settle this."

"We do. I want everything I ask for. Nothing less."

I growled while backing off a few feet, "Ray. Greyson. Can either of you see inside?"

Greyson sighed, "No. There are no windows with my angle."

Ray was silent for a moment before answering me, "I've got a shot on a body guard. But everything else is hidden to me."

Looking at Geoff, he nodded in understanding, "So I figured. But I don't think you understand what all of LS entails."

"I want power and the name attachment. I want my name to strike fear with everyone!" he scream.

Geoff sighed and shook his head, "Fucking moron. Do you have any idea what's it like to run things? The time, energy, money, proper investments, deals, connections, sleepless nights, insomnia, and constant worry. Because you won't just be a you anymore. You will be part of a collective you can't always control."

A harsh laugh came back, "I won't be you. I can control my people."

"Control them... yeah sure. But free will becomes an issue at times. I am in 'control' of complete morons, psychopaths, pyromaniacs, and sharp shooters. Watch me go."

We all looked at him in that moment and all of our body languages said 'Seriously?'

Ray broke the silence, "That kinda stung man. I mean it's true, but damn..."

Geoff rolled his eyes and raised his hands in mock surrender, "I'm proving a point Ray."

After another silence, the guy on the other side of the door spoke again, "No! I want what's owed to me. If I have to kill someone like sweet Jaxx here, so be it."

My whole body went ridged and my head spun while whispering, "Lay a finger on her and I'll take your life!"

Geoff looked at me and the Constantine brothers before turning from the cabin door, "Ray, do you still have that shot?"

"Yeah. He hasn't moved much. But there are two more people walking around. I think one is who's holding Jaxx."

"Is he in your line of sight?"

Ray sighed, "No. I just see his shadow now and again."

Alic spoke up, "Two guards and him. That's not much."

Geoff shook his head, "It's not. But I don't want him to jump and harm Jaxx."

Michael came forward with a slightly mischevious look to him, "So let's do what we always do."

Ethan looked confused as hell, "Meaning?"

"Be the overwhelimg presence we always are. He wouldn't know what to do."

Jack looked interested in Michael's words, "Completely overwhelm him and his senses that he freezes."

"Giving us an open opportunity," Michael said like he just invented the sun.

Geoff pointed at Michael, "Okay. Okay. That should work..." Clearing this throat Geoff talked to the door again, "When I took over LS with my crew I learned really quick who to mess with and who to leave in peace..."

Michael came over to me while Geoff was talking and asked, "You wearing a vest?"

I stared at him a moment before answering in the most sarcastic voice I could come up with, "No. Of course not."

Instead of answering me Michael turned to the direction of Ray, "Yo Ray, is there anything in the way of your direction?"

"No. Completely clear."

"Okay... When we are ready Ryan rushes threw the door and at the same time Ray shoots the one guard. Grayson shoots at the wall. He won't know who or what to shoot at first," Michael formulated quickly.

"The other guard?" Gavin asked.

"Ryan's got a trigger finger... just shoot first," he shrugged.

Even though he couldn't see me, I rolled my eyes at him, "Great. No pressure."

The voice caught my attention again, "I can handle a few families and crews. I am handling one now aren't I? Well... two actually."

I walked up behind Geoff, "At your ready."

Geoff nodded, "Come on man. Let me see if Jaxx is alive. I can't negotiate without proof of life."

A sudden shout from Jaxx had me seeing red as I walked up to the door and kicking it in causing our makeshift plan the only plan.

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