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A/N: Alright everyone. This is the end of this story! I am officially done with this story. I don't think I am going to do a second part. I like how this story went and how it is ended. Thank you to everyone who voted, commented, added to their private and public lists. This story was something that wouldn't leave me alone until everything was written down... then all this came out and this is the end. To anyone who wasn't waiting for my slow but to update, and enjoy this. Don't be afraid to comment and vote. I love talking with everyone. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this ending!


~ A Few Years Later~

"Well that's too bad. I am the only Constantine he has to negotiate with. So either he takes my offer or LS dries up for him. His choice," I said before hanging up and making note of the call manually in my logs.

After all of us sibilings took over Alic wants double records of everything. While what we dealed in was shady, there was no way of getting screwed out of anything with the records we all kept now. It also took months to get people to trust our name again. Our father even tried to hold onto everything for a few months... until there was a mysterious miss-hap with the bank and he had no money for a while. But we somehow managed and now the four of us rule LS with The Fake AH Crew.

I turned around in my desk chair. Ryan was bruised from his latest outing and passed right out when he got home a few hours ago. He insisted my 'office' be in our bedroom, which has helped with me and pulling over nighters. And at the same time it has helped him when he needed help getting through the front door let alone this one.

Feeling my phone vibrate, it was Greyson probably checking up on me, "What?"

"Couldn't get him to move eh?" His laughing tone came threw the phone clearly.

"I am working on it. Just gave him his last chance before we turn the faucet off on his operation. I don't think they like I am a woman bossing them about," I said rotating my chair towards the wall.

Greyson scoffed, "Tough fucking shit. You're a goddamn Constantine and you make deals in our name. You know what? We should just kill him to call it even."

Suddenly I hear a familiar voice, 'I agree. Kill his rude ass!'

I burst out laughing while Greyson mused, "Lo seems to agree with me."

"I bet she does. You are dating her now!" I laughed.

Shortly after moving Greyson in and me out we came clean about everything. I was immediatly attacked with pillows and plushies. Then interrogated about why I thought keeping all this was a good idea. Apparently to protect her wasn't a good enough answer.

Months into them rooming together feelings were a thing demanding to be felt. But both hesitated because of me. I shoved Greyson and made him ask her out. Now? They are even more discusting then Ryan and I. At least we keep our PDA on the back burner.

Being into the conversation with Greyson I didn't hear Ryan get out of bed and come towards me. Nor did I let out a yelp when he spun the chair around, "Seriously?"

Ryan smirked, "That is my line on this one."

Rolling my eyes in response Greyson laughed, "Alright. We are going out. Call if you need. Bye."

"Be careful. Bye," I said while looking at Ryan, "What?"

"What? I can't look at my girlfiend?"

"Can you even see me what that swollen eye?" I sassed at him.

Faking offence he huffed, "I am hurt and injured from a long day at work and this is what I wake up to!"

Laughing I cooed at him, "Awe. My poor baby."

Attraction Between Light and Dark *FakeAHCrewAU* *Vagabond*Where stories live. Discover now