Chapter 49

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A/N: Here we go. Another update before Christmas you lucky ducks. I thought about not doing an update until after the holidays because my schedule is absolutely crazy. But... I went with it anyway and here we are.

Thanks to everyone again for all the votes, comments, follows and adding this story to their different lists. Means a lot.

To anyone who celebrates Christmas, Merry Christmas. For those who do not, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year.

Anyway... Enjoy!

I woke up to strong arms wrapping around me and squeezing. A smile crept onto my face before I could stop it. Carefully turning around I whispered, "Morning."

"No," he groaned back at me.

I giggled at him and kissed his cheek, "Time to wake up."

He inhaled deeply before resettling, "Again. No."

"Lazy ass," I whispered before trying to get out of bed.

Trying... I got nowhere.

"Stay. We don't have to get up for a while," he said slowly.

I laughed, "I'm surprised they haven't shown up."

Ryan's eyebrows crunched up, "They?" You mean The L-."

I quickly put my hand over his mouth, "Don't say their name. They might come."

He laughed while opening his eyes and laying on his back, "They aren't Beetlejuice. You can say their name."

"Pssh. Everytime we have a moment, they 'randomly' show up wanting either you or me," I sighed and sat cross legged beside him.

Ryan smiled, "Okay, so a little like Beetlejuice."

I rolled my eyes at him, "Yea. Just a little."

His hand instantly went to my knee and started moving his thumb in a comforting manner, "You will get used to them. I had to."

I laughed, "How reassuring Ry-bread."

Instantly he glared at me, "That better not have stuck with you."

"I will only use it when you are being a shit. Promise," I said doing the scouts salute.

He sighed, "Great. All the time them. I am so fucked."

I laughed and shrugged, "It will make you try. Oh no."

"I am still screwed."

"Oh?" I tilted my head.

"When am I not being a shit?" he laughed.

"Yep. It's official. You're screwed," I laughed with him and put my hand on his shoulder, "Still hurt?"

"A little. The bed helps. Better then that stupid table."

"Good. I'm glad," I nodded.

"As am I. Right now more than anything. You are still here."

I started at him, "You are about to ruin the moment here aren't you?"

"Yep. I have to ask. What about him?"

"What about him? He exists and is a part of you. End of," I shrugged.

Shaking his head, he sat up more, "Not good enough. I want rules for us."

I let out a puff of hot air, "Okay. Uh. He gets left at the door when you come home. If you can't shake him you let me know either by talking or keeping the mask on. No not telling me."

Ryan nodded in agreeement, "I can absolutely live with that one. Any others?"

"Hmm... He can be around when I am. You tell me straight up at home, but if we are in the field we can make up a gesture. Another thing you might not be keen on. You tell me what he has done. You don't have to go into your guy's past. But anything from here on out I know about. I will do the same to you if anything happens in my family."

His lip went into a thin line while thinking it out, "Okay. I will try."

I nodded, " That's all I have for now. Anything else, we will visit when we have to."

Suddenly, he pulled me tomorrow him and kissed me, "Thanks."

Giving him a weird look I ask, "For what?"

"Going with everything. Being here. Being able to set rules for him. To talk all this in stride. And for making them fall for you and consider you family."

I blushed and buried my head into his shoulder mubbling a 'welcome'.

He laughed and maneuvered himself around to let me more on top of him then beside him. He sighed, "I am gonna now tell you whats gonna happen probably tonight to that lovely cop. Bluntly - I'm going to kill him and make a specticale out of it. People need to know that I am very much alive."

"Agreed. But don't give me the plan. You guys don't do well with them."

Ryan chuckled, "We don't. I'll tell you the end result."

Nodding I moved to kiss him, "Done."

Suddenly we hear voices on the other side.

You knock.

No way. Geoff told you to wake them up Michael.

Fuck. What if he kills us? Or worse... naked.

Uh. Never thought of that.

I slinked out of bed and tip toed to the door. Opening the door suddenly making both Lads scream the most manliest screams ever heard, "Boys?"

Michael recovered a bit first, "Geoff wants to talk with all of us. 20 minutes."

With the door still open I smiled over to Ryan, "Almost like Beetlejuice."

He laughed as he was getting up, "Almost. We will be there soon guys."

"Okay. Bye," Gavin said quickly before making a hasty exit with Michael in toe.

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