Chapter 40

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A/N: Here is another update. Yay! Its going to be a small one today. I'm sorry about that. The next ones are going to be longer to make up for this. Thank you again to everyone who is reading, commenting and voting. It means a lot.


Waking up took way too much effort. As soon as I moved I heard a groan and felt arms tighten around me. Smiling, I turned around to face him, "Wake up."

"Go to sleep," Ryan sleeply said while getting comfortable.

"Ryan, it's almost noon," I laughed at him.

"Day off. Who cares. I don't," Ryan half shrugged and kissed me.

I laughed and tried to get out from his grip, "I need to get up."

He tightened his grip, "No."

"Ryan. TMI time... I have to pee."

Instantly he let go, "Out."

Hoping out of bed, I heard knocking at the door. When I came back, Geoff was standing in the door way, "Everything alright?"

Geoff nodded, "Yea. We have been asked to do another job. I was just talking to Ryan about joining us."

"A day off wasn't in the cards. Damn," Ryan sighed.

"Sorry man. Armoury. Ten minutes," Geoff said before leaving down the hall.

I smiled and sat down on the bed, "You better shower and get ready."

Ryan looked at me stunned, "Uh right. You alright with this?"

I nodded sincerely at him, "Yes. It's what you do. It is what my family does as well. I'm okay."

Ryan seemed relieved, "Alright. I'm gonna get ready. You should call your family, Lo and actually have a conversation."

"Okay. Get ready," I dismissed him before laying back down on the bed.

Five minutes later, he got out of the shower and got dressed. I just layed there playing on my phone waiting for the right time to call everyone.

Ryan cleared his throat to get my attention, "Usually we end up heading out after these meetings. I'll just say bye now."

I chuckled at him before getting up and walking over to him, "Okay. I will go through the normal speech. Ahem. Be careful. And please come home in one peice. I don't need another dead body."

Ryan just nodded and hugged me, "I won't promise I won't get hurt, but it takes a lot to kill me."

Nodding at him, I hugged him back, "I'll take that. Be good. Anarchy to a somewhat minimum."

He laughed at that, "Again. No promises."

Ryan kissed me one more time before leaving the room.

I blew out hot air as I went to my cell phone and makes the phone calls I need to.

Attraction Between Light and Dark *FakeAHCrewAU* *Vagabond*Where stories live. Discover now