Chapter 27

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A/N: Sorry about not uploading the extra chapter. I got completely sidetracked. My aunt came back from Mexico for two weeks... and because of the amount of family I have is beyond normal, I had to go see her after work and hang around for a few hours. I'm so sorry.

Anyway, here is the new chapter. Tell me what you think.


Jaxx POV:

"So, you honestly think you are going to get out of this alive?"

I laughed, "Of course I am. See, I don't think even you understand... I am the daughter of someone who you really don't want to piss off. You obviously know that or you would have hurt me already. So when I say Im going to get out of this shit hole alive. I mean it."

He smiled, "I don't think you understand who your father sent for you. It was definitely an interesting choice."

Shrugging, "My father was never one for conventional things."

"Oh, you can definitely say that one again. I will say he picked the most motley of crews. I am even more shocked they even took the job. This is a death mission on steroids. I don't plan on giving you up until I get what you want."

I rolled my eyes, "Oh please. I know you know that my family would waste who ever was at their disposal until I was found safe and sound. I don't know about you... but I don't think you have that many men."

"Cocky for a girl," he sneered at me.

A small smile played on my lips, "When you grow up like I did. You can be as cocky as me. Other than that, everyone else doesn't even compare."

"Well, lets see how cocky you are when I tell you who your family sent for you. Or shall I keep that a secret?"

Inwardly I started freaking out. If my family did send the wrong crew I'm fucked and then so would my family. But they aren't that stupid... whoever they send had to be better then these guys. I mean this idiot thinks he's king when in reality he wouldn't make it as the jester. Keeping all my thoughts and cards close to the vest I decided to play the nonchalant card hoping it will throw him off track. He wants to tie up women and hold them for a ransom no family would ever pay. Fine, but no one told him how hard it was to break a Constantine.

I sighed, "Do what ever the fuck you want. I seriously don't give a shit. As long as someone puts a bullet in your head at the end of the day I am happy."

His eyes narrowed, "You think that will happen?"

I leaned forward and looked him right into his eyes so he knows how serious I am, "I know it will. I don't know who will do it. But, I know it will happen."

He sat back, his lips thin. Looking like he is contemplating life, "There is a darkness that surrounds you. But you don't let it touch you. You are different from your brothers. You use that darkness but never let it in. You can't."

Tilting my head I glared at him, "You don't think I could kill you?"

Hands up in surrender, "Oh, I know you could. But it would bother you. Maybe not your entire life. But it would for a time. That right there makes you so damn different than everyone else in this life."

I didn't bother to respond back. I didn't know what to say. He did have a point. I could pop his head off in a second and I would feel bad about it for a while until I got over it and came to terms with what he did and why he was dead.

My brothers never asked questions when they were sent out on missions and hit jobs. They just did it, came home, showered and ate like they just came back from school. That never bothered me, but I knew I wouldn't be able to do that. That must be the reason why my father never sent me out. He knew I would deal; just not in the healthiest of ways.

The sudden clap of his hands drew me out of my own head, "Well, fine. I will just tell you who he sent because I want to see the look on your face."

"This should be good," I drawled out not really looking at him.

"The FakeAH Crew."

Looking at him sideways I drew my eyebrows in confusion, "What?"

"The crew he sent to get you. It's The FakeAH crew who has LS in their hold. Interesting choice. Surprising they don't have better things to do. Like kill my entire gang... again."

I nodded. This should be interesting. The FakeAH crew had a reputation for their ways. Plus having some of the most vicious members in their ranks made them notorious. But they are known in the underground world for not having plans, going in under equipped, accidently blowing things up, and a variety of other things. They always seem to have make it out with what they wanted and more. Every. Single. Time.

I just hope this time...

They aren't willing to throw my life into chaos just to prove a point.

Attraction Between Light and Dark *FakeAHCrewAU* *Vagabond*Where stories live. Discover now