Chapter 47

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A/N: Alright. Back again. Finally got inspiration again and began getting a head of myself. Thank goodness. Plus, its snowing... lots of snow. So, its officially looking like Xmas around here.

Anyway... have a good day everyone !


I woke up as stiff as the table I was laying on. Blinking my eyes to make the fog go away, someone walked into the room I was in.

"You are finally awake," Geoff said sitting down on a chair.

"Yea. I fucking hurt though."

Geoff chuckled, "You would. You've been out on this table for about two days."

"Damn. You could have moved me," I smiled.

"You are too fucking heavy man," Geoff said shaking his head.

"Ha ha. Did I miss anything?" I asked slowly sitting up. Hissing on the way up as my side rejected the notion of moving.

"Not much. Oh, people think you are dead."


"As a fucking door nail," Geoff said leaning back.

"Shit. Another rumour and come back story on my belt," I said shrugging.

"Yea. But before that, you need to make up a few things here at home."

"She knows," I sighed.

"Of fucking course she knows. That woman is not that fucking stupid," he yelled at me.

"Okay. Okay. I got it. What else?"

"A cop was the one who shot you. The same cop that was at the safe house, he doubled back when we got Ray to follow him. Soon news reports came out that you are dead, courtesy of Mr. Constantine."

I looked at Geoff with wide eyes. All of this is a lot. Shifting to the edge, "Mr. Constantine what a guy to make my ego swell even more. Got the cops name?"

He nodded, "Officer Keasly. Jack got the information yesterday. It's in an envelope on her desk. We kept it and decided you would do with that information as you will."

"Smart. I'm not going to tell you what I'm going to do. But it will be done within the week. Given that I would be allowed out of the house," saying aimlessly as I was getting off the table, "Owww."

Geoff got up but didn't make a move to help me. I would have shoved him off. So, instead he kept talking to distract both of us, "That crew that took Jaxx has been walking around like they own LS."

I groaned, "And why have you let that happen?"

"Because they will get way too cocky and start messing up. And when we come back we can finally stomp them out," he simply shrugged.

"That doesn't make sense. It doesn't make sense to relinquish all that control, " I said while trying out my legs and grabbing the clean shirt on a chair.

"New way of thinking. Plus Jaxx is good politician and negotiator. It was her idea."

I smirked a little, "Fair enough."

"Glad you agree. Now, go and eat. Shower. Definitely shower. Oh, and talk to Jaxx. I happen to like her. If you avoid her and I hear about it I swear..."

Putting my hands in the air in somewhat surrender, "Got it. I need to talk to her anyway."

He didn't say another word before leaving the armoury. I just stood there piecing my thoughts and putting them together. Sighing, I left the room and headed towards mine. I opened the door like it was connected to a pin grenade.

There she was. Sitting on my bed in her PJ's on her phone chatting. I stood by the door waiting for permission to enter. When she looked at me, my put together thoughts scattered.

"Come on in Ryan. This is technically your room."

"I know. I am again lost on how to tred in this water," I said honestly entering the door threshold.

She half smiled, "As am I. I knew you played a bigger role than you said. How could someone who lives with them only be an underground member."

Moving over to the cot I had a deja vu moment. Considering we just did this a little while ago. That out come was a good one... this one is beyond me. I cleared my throat, "I know I fucked up by not telling you. But I didn-."

"Didn't want to scare my away?" she asked looking at me.

I nodded, "Exactly."

Blowing out hot air she sat up even more, "Honestly, I was pissed. If those wounds didn't kill you, I was going to. I was okay about Vagabond being you. That left me with being lied to. And not just by you but by your entire crew."

I groaned and tried to interject, "That -"

"Wait. I'm not done," she said sternly.

Nodding, I sat back slightly and waited.

"I ended up talking with my brother and he told me the real reason why you would have everyone lie. And I get it. I would have done the same in a heart beat for anyone of my brothers. But you know my family, you know what I've had to deal with and you thought I couldn't handle who you are. That part hurt me."

"I'm sorry. I really am. You are a Constantine. That name around here demands respect and importance, Vagabond... he thrives off fear and murder. Our name sakes define us, therefore we are complete opposites. But both of me can't help but be attracted to you. The dark always want to see the light. You're it to me. I wanted you to play with my angel before being surrounded by my devils. Never to hurt you. Not ever." As I said these things I could tell how emotional I was becoming.

I wasn't paying attention to her when she ended up at the end of the bed, closer to me. She sighed, "I know you are afraid of me leaving without looking back."

"Petrified actually. I know who your brothers are," I said in an attempt at humour.

To my shock she laughed, "Good. Don't ever pull that shit on me again. I'm serious."

"As am I. Promise," I said quickly and sincerely.

When she smiled at me I felt like everything was as it should, but I still had to ask, "Are you gonna leave?"

Quickly she shook her head at me, "No. I'm not. But you are going to have a shower. My god man."

I chuckled and got up slowly, "Alright. I don't need to be told more than twice."

"Good. I'll hug you when you are clean. Yuck. Guess I should get used to it however."

I stopped and looked at her. I couldn't help but smile while entering the bathroom.

Attraction Between Light and Dark *FakeAHCrewAU* *Vagabond*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt