Chapter 6

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A/N: This is in Ryan's POV. I don't know if I completely nailed it. There won't be many chapters with his POV, but I know there is a few that need to be in there.


Ryan's POV

    I keep staring at the TV with my mood never changing. I am pissed the hell off. The image was what that of me and the girl I pretty much ran into on the street. Whoever took that picture was going to die... but that wasn't what was bothering me so much. What was, was the fact that that picture could put her in harms way. Not to mention that photo shows a vulnerability. I was lucky the mask was there... it would have shown how shocked and awe-struck I was when she walked by me.

    "Yo, Ryan!" I tilt my head to the side and listen as Micheal comes up behind me and sees the still screen of the television, "Nice picture."

    I smirk and lean back, "My best yet."

    Micheal leans forward and points, "Who's the girl?"

    Shrugging lightly, "I dont know. Why?"

    "You are looking right at her dude," he scoffs.

    I breath out slowly and reply, "Thought I recognized her. Probably from a recent heist or something."

    "How many people we see in day and at a heist I am surprised you recognized her."

    I half shrug and look ahead. The person who took that fucking photo is going to get it. "You need something Micheal?"

    He ran his hand through his red curly hair, "Yea, Geoff wants to go through tomorrow nights heist one more time."

    I get up without looking or speaking another word to the lad. I am not into the half-ass attempt at an interrogation. Going into the Battle Room was easy. Everyone was already here waiting on Micheal and I.

    "Fucking finally! I thought Micheal got lost," Geoff said without looking up from the blueprints on the table.

    "Screw you Geoff. Cant a guy hold a conversation once in a while?" Micheal huffed while sitting down next to Gavin and fixing his glasses.

    "With Ryan?" Jack finally looks up between Micheal and I.

    I growl lowly in my throat and ignore them. Killing something would be fantastic right about now. But I have to be here for this damn meeting. "It was a small convo to say the least."

    Jack nods and goes back down to reading something that only she would understand. I end up rounding the table and reading over Rays shoulder. Ray moves over to the side slightly to allow me to read what he was before. Looking at the plans I knew where I needed to be but clarifying things were never a bad thing., "So where is everyone going to be?"

    "Well if you and Micheal came in here when I fucking told you to you would know," Geoff said without looking up.

    I stayed quiet on that one. He would tell me what I wanted to know when got the hell over whatever was bothering him. Running a crew was never easy. Throw in three lads who are non stop go and myself. Not including Los Santos as a whole with people trying to take what the crew fought for made being in power draining and exhausting. The only thing not making him break was Jack. She was second in command and Geoff's solace. His second head when it came to plans and who needed to go or stay and be useful.

    The ones that needed to go or who crossed us were left to the red headed Mogar and myself. We were the ones who could do it in a pinch and somehow keep a level head. Plus when we took down a rival crew having an explosion expert always helped. When I would go off and lend my services elsewhere Ray took up that empty spot. He could snipe like no ones business and that make him too valuable to hunt down assholes who are to big for their britches. Gavin on the other hand; well one word comes up when thinking of the Brit - liability. But this crew/family wouldn't be half of what it is without him.

    When I finally looked up Geoff was eying me, "What?"

    "Nothing man. We do need to talk after though."

    I shrugged, "No problem."

    Geoff then stands and clears his throat, "Alright bitches this is what's going down. Jack will drop Ray and Ryan 10 minutes before dropping off Gavin, Micheal and myself. Ray, you will be perched across the street facing the front of the store. Jack found the perfect spot and will take you there later."

    The Lad pushed up his glasses and nodded. Geoff continued, "Ryan, you will be on a roof behind the building watching the back ally and exit. No losing you com bullshit. I want to know if anyone comes out that back door."

    Stopping suddenly everyone looked up at Geoff and I, My held tilted a bit and waited. He then scoffed and chuckled to himself.

    "Oh God, I think he lost it," Ray said sounding more nervous than I am sure he intended.

    "Geoff, you alright?" I pipe up trying to look and sound calm.

    He sobers up and looks at me, "I honestly was going to ask you if you were on your murder break."

    "When it suits me and when people don't piss me off," I laugh.

    "So that's a no," Gavin smiles while turning on his chair.

    I smile, "Its a 'when I don't feel like killing people' type thing."

    Both Ray and Micheal say, "A no." in unison with smiles on their faces.

    "I... uh... fuck," I had nothing. Murder breaks were easy to set up but fucking hard to stick to. I sighed in defeat, "The plan guys... "

    A few chuckles were send my way but I just let it go. These assholes were my family and friends. If I can dish it out I can definitely take it in stride.

    "Right, this is easy as dicks. Gavin, Micheal and I are going inside to take out as many people from the other gang as possible. Try not to get that many civilians. I want to put a cap on that. Gang members are easy to identify because they have a red band around their upper arms," Geoff said to each of us. "Take out the cops. That's another reason why there is Ray and Ryan on the roofs. I need you two to tell us immediately when they show up. Jack will be in a car down the street. There will be a car waiting for Ryan and Ray when the rest of us get out. Any questions?

    "Can I blow it up?!" Micheal asked eagerly

    "If we have time and it wont kill any of us," Geoff said.

    "Fine," Micheal said and slumped down.

    "Alright, everyone double check everything and get some sleep," Geoff dismissed everyone but I stayed put. We still had that chat that needed to be done apparently.

    Once everyone was gone, Geoff swiveled the laptop around facing me and said in a dead tone, "Nice candid photo."

    I groaned and pushed my hand through my hair, "Are you serious? People try to take pictures of us all the time.'

    "But I have never seen you so off kilter before. I am worried."

    "Don't be. I told Micheal that I thought I recognized the girl. Everything is fine Geoff."

    "It better be. I don't want this to happen again."

    I nodded and kept my mouth shut. A small voice in my head sang, 'someones gonna get it'. I turned on my heel and headed out of the room and ultimately the house.   

    "Where are you going?" Geoff asked.

    "Out. I am going out to do a few things."

    "Okay. Go. Be careful."

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