Chapter 62

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A/N: Here is the next chapter! I thought I wasn't going to be able to update considering I had a tooth pulled... But I decided to do it anyway. I am still keeping on track with ending this in about 9 chapters. But, that is a long way away and lets not get a head of ourselves.

Anyway... Enjoy!

Jaxx POV

"So, where did you go?" he asked for the twentieth time in the past 10 minutes. He wanted to know where I went. Someone put two and two together and tried to make four.

"I already told you. I left LS for a while after you kidnapped me the first time," I sighed boredly at him.

"Your parents don't have property outside LS."

"How would you know? I went underground. I could have gone absolutely anywhere," I shrugged and leaned back.

"That crew could have hid you. You are a Constantine, your name would make anyone jump."

"Exactly. Now jump out the window and fuck off..." I 'looked' over to where he would be. He still won't remove the blindfold.

"Nah. This is too much fun. I want to know everything about you. Like where you went when you were rescued," he said and shifted in his chair.

"Away from you and LS. The end."

"You may learn to actually like me. I am just like you."

"Would rather die honestly. You and I are nothing alike. I haven't heard of one thing you've done. You are in the shadow of everyone before you. I will never stand by you or your excuse of a gang. You will always be in my shadow. How do you feel about that?"

A slap was what I got back. I smiled and sighed, "Go ahead. Keep hitting me. You will be a foot note in our history; the asshole who tired to topple giants."

"I have permission to topple these so called giants. I'm not afraid."

I laughed at him and shook my head, "You fucking should be. You probably angered more than that crew you are so hell bent on ending."

"Is that right? With the green light I have they are the only ones that are angry. They are about to loose everything they have. Then die off one by one."

"How dense are you? I know who gave you the green light. But like you, he didn't think of this one thing happening."

He scooted the chair closer and ripped off the blindfold, "And what was that Jaxx?"

I blink slowly before looking at him right in the eyes, "Resistance."

"Of whom?" he asked with a eyebrow raised.

I sighed while looking around the room I was being held in, "My father has a nasty habit of not telling the next generation what he's thinking. When I was resisting... so were they."

"Get to the point Ms. Constantine."

"That is the point. His sons are no longer waiting to be in his favour. As I turned my back, so did they. The FakeAHCrew aren't the only ones you've fucked with," I smiled slightly while looking at him, "get it now?"

"He will reign them in," he said casually.

I glared at him hard, "What part are you having trouble hearing? My father means nothing anymore."

His face changed and looked away, "You're lying."

I scoffed, "Really? Look at me in the face. Tell me I'm lying. You know how I embraced who I was... I started playing the game everyone else is. But I made a few critical rule changes. Welcome to my game."

Finally looking at me I knew he believed me and what I was saying. Suddenly he grabbed me to put the blindfold back on. I openly mocked him, "Ooo. Someone has finally figured it out."

Tieing the knot he pushed my head to the side, "I will make sure you are wrong. Your father is still the Head of your household."

"Being a traitor gets more nowadays. With trained killers backing you... you are next to invincible," I joked.

A door swung open, "You better hope your brothers heel. I'm not above killing you over this."

I sighed, "Talk. Talk. Talk. Go on. Make your phone call."

The door slammed shut and faint murmers is all I could hear. Suddenly I can clearly hear 'Call them back! This is not what we agreed upon. Your family was meant to back off of this!' I laughed to myself. Someone is so fucked. He honestly thought he could do all this and walk away... fucking moron.

When the door opened I made my face neutral. He didn't walk in however, "Smart little one you are. But that doesn't mean you'll win."

"Keep talking Fucker, my vision of you at the end of this is becoming more and more clear."

Silence. Total silence was what I got back until the door slammed closed again. Leaving me alone.

Attraction Between Light and Dark *FakeAHCrewAU* *Vagabond*Where stories live. Discover now