Chapter 68

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A/N: Alright... this is the moment everyone has been waiting for. I hope I did an alright job. I am super nervous about this to be honest. I don't want to disappoint anyone. Gahh. I am just going to post this now.


Jaxx POV

Carefully the blindfold was taken off me. I only saw Alic and began to cry instantly.

"No no no no. Don't do that. We are here now. Everything will be okay."

I nodded and tried to move but stopped short because of the handcuffs, "Get me out of these. Please, Alic."

"Hang on. I got you," soon a pressure was released from my wrists. I sighed in relief which made me almost burst into a loud sob but instead the ones that were already flowing came down my face. Alic breathed, "Okay. You're okay. I'm so sorry Jaxx. I wish I knew before this happened."

I flashed him the weakest smile, "I know. It's alright. I'm glad you're alive. I was so scared when the explosions...," I started to cry and fell into Alic's chest.

He hugged me back and in that moment I felt completely safe. Nothing could touch me.

"Vagabond! Stop!" could be heard which caught my attention. I ran to where everyone was circling. Vagabond was on top and releasing hell on the guys face.

Without much thought I ran up to Vagabond and caught his right arm that was delivering the blows, "Ryan. En-"

He turned around immediately and grabbed me. Lifting his arm to now hit me instead had me freeze. Instinctively I closed my eyes. But the blow never came. Opening my eyes, my brain caught up with my actions. . Ryan wasn't here, Vagabond was. He was taking over for what Ryan wanted to do like a twisted auto pilot.

"Ryan's not here is he?" I whispered.

He shook his head 'No' and released me. Dropping his hands and backing off a few feet.

 I tried to control my breathing and get my thoughts in complete control. But nothing stuck around for longer than a nano second. Turning to the men surrounding me and him I growled, "Ethan. Michael. Pick him up. Please."

After a few hesitate moments both men moved to do what I asked. I looked over to Geoff and smiled slightly, "Thank you."

"Of course," Geoff nodded.

 Grunts and groans came from the one guy that has torn my family apart and caused my life to be its own circle of hell. Turning towards them I looked at the bruised and bloody mess of a thing behind held, "Like my game?"

He sighed and looked down at the ground, he didn't say anything.

"After all of this I never got the one thing I thought I would out of you," I said staring him down.

"W-What's that?" he whispered.

"Your name. I never got your name."

He groaned, "Does that really m-"

Before he finished I punched him in the jaw, "I think it does."

Spitting up blood he finally looked at me, "You don't have the guts Ms. Constantine."

"Really? Come on, enlighten me," I said in this mocking tone that bubbled up out of nowhere.

"So what if I do tell you my name? What would you do with it?"

"I wanted to thank you to be honest," I said walking away towards Alic.

"Thank me? For fucking what?" as I turned around his face was in full confusion mode.

"For so many things. Well?" I asked.

After staring at me for a few moments he sighed, "Taylor. My real name is Taylor."

I nodded and turned back to Alic. Quickly I grabbed Alic's gun from one of his holsters and held up to Taylor's head. No one moved or tried to stop me. I was a pissed off Constantine with a gun, no one would try.

Clearing my throat I looked at Taylor, "Well Taylor. I wanted to thank you for being the absolute asshole you've been. It's changed my life and mostly for the better. But, I will forget the bad parts in about an hour. Right after this..."

Instantly Ryan came up beside me. The mask in his hands, "You know you don't have to." After I didn't reply to him he continued, "I am giving you an out Jaxx."

"I know. But I need to do this. I made a promise," I said looking at Ryan.

 After a long silence that I thought would take up the entire night, he relented, "Okay... I am right here."

Without acknowledging him again, I pulled the trigger.

The blast should have been deafening. But, it wasn't to me. It was oddly refreshing to finally be free of a monster ruling my life. Slowly, my arm went back to my side, dropping the gun to the grass and walking right pass the newly dead body of Taylor. Ryan stopped me short by grabbing my arm, "Ray is in that direction. Greyson is in the other..."

"I am heading in the right direction Ryan," I said and whipped my arm away from his grip.

As I kept walking, I heard him follow a few feet behind me.

Attraction Between Light and Dark *FakeAHCrewAU* *Vagabond*Where stories live. Discover now