Chapter 64

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A/N: Alright, here is the update. Sorry it is kind of late tonight. It has been a busy day and I only have a small window to do this. I am so sorry. Thank you to everyone once again. I am still working on the ending that everyone will enjoy.


"What do you see Ray?" I asked looking around myself.

"It's eerily quiet. Some movement, not much. Greyson?"

"I got the same on this end. So that means one of two things."

I groaned but didn't say anything, however Gavin wasn't seeing what we were, "Meaning?"

"They aren't expecting us so soon or we are and this is some sort of trap," Jack answered never letting her eyes rest either.

"Fuck," Gavin whispered.

"Our thoughts exactly. What do we wanna flip on?" Ethan said looking at me.

"Like a trap," I said, "Enter every house like its wired. If I'm right, one will be."

Ray sighed, "Alright. Let's play Green light - Red light."

Michael scoffed, "Really Ray?"

"We could play Simon Says if it will make you feel better."

Everyone let out a small laugh which made this feel familiar. Geoff shook his head, "The light game is fine. Just call the right damn light Ray."

"Okay. Okay. Green. Head into the cabins infront of you."

I walked the few feet a head and climbed the two steps to the door. I instantly began to hold my breath.

Ray said sternly, "On the count of three, open the doors. One... Two... Three."

Opening my door quickly, I find nothing. No ones stayed here in a while, "I'm clear."

When everyone else said the same we all lined up for the next cabins.

"Ready Ray," Geoff said impatient with Ray.

"Hang on..." Suddenly a body being dropped made all of us look, "Got him."

Gavin chuckled while Geoff looked at the body next to him, "The fuck?"

"He wondered in and was behind you after the cabin," Ray said non-chalantly with an audible shrig on the last statement.

When Geoff said nothing Ray cleared his throat, "Green light. Jack, you have house guests as far as I can tell."

Greyson spoke up, "So does Michael."

Michael smirked, "About time."

"Enter when ready," Ray said.

I took almost the same amount of steps to and up to the door. Again, my breath instantly held. Only getting ready for what might be behind that door.


My hand instantly went for the handle and opened slowly. A man was hunched over his bed. When I took a step in, he turned around and met me eye to eye. Fear gripped his face and turned pale, "You really are back."

I nodded before grabbing my knife and stabbing him right in the heart. He never made a sound. Blood seeped onto the floor while I looked around, "Dealt with. I'm clear. Anyone need help?"

A series of low grunts came back before the answers:

"I'm good."

"Almost done."

"Fucking asshole."


"Fuck you."

I allowed myself to smile while exiting my cabin, "I'm going to guess all were occupied huh?"

"Yep. Good exercise. Shall we do it again?" Ethan said before getting cursed out by Alic.

"Alright. Last row before the cabin Jaxx is in. As I can see all are occupide with multiple people. If I shoot in, I will only get one and the rest would cause an ambush. We aren't set up for that."

I nodded in understanding, "Fair enough. You and -" I was cut off by a bullet wizzing past me into the head of someone I didn't recognize.

"Sorry. Came out of nowhere, I'm glad you stay so still Ryan," Greyson said while repositioning himself.

"Right. Thanks... I am pretty sure I don't have to say it now do I?"

Another thud of a body was heard before Ray's clipped, "Nope."

"Perfect. Awaiting your light Ray," I said and stared at the door.


As soon as I began walking I knew something was off. All of this was too easy and as Gavin said at the warehouse, 'its us!'

"Stop," I whispered before my brain processed I said it.

"What's up?" Alic whispered back.

"Michael, would one hear a spring load or click before an explosion off a rigged door?"

"Depends whats rigged the handle or actual door."

My mind went into overdrive. What would he rid..., "Ethan is there a window in your cabin?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"Peek in to see which is rigged. There has to be a reason why we haven't had something go wrong."

"On it..," then ten seconds later, "the handle. Their hired guns are the furthest from the door."

Michael scoffed, "Distract. Dissorient. Then kill. Classic."

"Alright, new plan. When everyone opens their door move with it. Go to the side away from the blasts. Taking them outside allows us to have the upper hand with Ray and Greyson," I whispered and walked back up to the door.

Ray breathed out before saying, "Open."

Attraction Between Light and Dark *FakeAHCrewAU* *Vagabond*Where stories live. Discover now