Chapter 9

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A/N: Alright, here is another update. I know I am being really shitty about them right now but like 4 people quit and I have been picking up shifts left and right on top of the full time hours I already get.... I'm tired af. And I'm sorry af. Please forgive. I am going to start making myself update regularly. Thanks for the patience.

Enjoy :)

Waking up with a jolt I looked around my room. I had no dreams. Laughing I got up and headed to my living room. Calling my mother was a thing that needed to be done. I was going to be there later today. So might as well make it official.

"Morning Sweetie," my moms face appears all smiles... but she never uses sweetie... ever.

"Mom... whats wrong?"

"Why does anything need to be wrong?"

"Where's dad. I want to talk with him. Now."

"He is in a meeting," her smiled faltered.

"You arent alone, are you?"

"I am. Dont worry," she still shook her head 'no'.

"I will call back in exactly 10 minutes. Meeting or not I want to talk with my father. Got it?" I hung up without an answer. I have always hated meetings, strangers in my house. Checking the only two rooms they are allowed to be in. One which hold the family computer that I talk to my parents on. It was annoying.

Exactly 10 minutes later I called again. This time my father face appeared and he was smiling. "They gone?" I questioned.

My father sighed and nodded, "It was a quick meeting. Im sorry."

"Its alright. I get it."

My father laughed, "I heard you practically threatened one of them."

I turned red and shrugged. He smiled approvingly, "Thats my girl."

Rolling my eyes I was still red cheeked and smiling. But wanting to know who was at my parents house was overwhelming.

"Which crew was it?" I tilted my head.

My father smiled, "Always the curious one. To be honest it was a rival of that crew who has LS in their grasp."

Closing my eyes I asked without thinking, "Please god tell me you told them to fuck off..."

"Language... and of course I did. We have a good relationship that benefits us both. I am not going to jepordize that."

Relief washed over me. I don't need the Fake AH Crew at my door. "Hey Dad. I know this is a topic change but I was actually going to go out there and see everyone. Is that alright?"

My father clapped his hands and laughed, "Ofcourse! Please come by! Stay for as long as you like!"

I smiled, "Just for a few days. I will explain why when I get there."

"Whatever the reason, I am glad I get to see my daughter."

"Okay, okay. I have to get ready. I will see you in a few hours. Alright?"

"I cant wait. Be safe." I ended the call and started to get ready.

After 3 hours everything was done, packed and ready to go. Even Lo was awake making sure I was set to leave somewhat on time. Just as I grabbed my car keys a knock sounded at the door. Looking through the peephole I groaned and looked around the house out of habit. Opening the door I put on a sickly sweet smile and face the old fuck of a pig mucking up my doorstep, "Hello Officer. How can I help you?"

He looked way more confident than yesterday, "I think we need to talk and you should let me in."

I laughed, "Like hell. Tell me what you think we should talk about and we will see..."

He smiled like I said the right thing, "Well Ms. Constantine I really think we should, because now I am certain you know more than you are leading on."

Shit! my mind couldnt help but scream, but scream, but I knew he thought he could scam my family. Another dirty cop. I forcefully laugh, "You think you are the only cop to find out who I am? Please. You arent the first and most definitally wont be the last. If you plan on arresting me... have the best case in the fucking world against me. Because if you dont... I am going to castrate you and display you around this city to prove you fucked with the wrong girl."

His smile dissapeared and was replaced with a deep frown, "Going somewhere?"

"Not that you need to know... so I wont tell you. Goodbye," I rolled my eyes as I slammed the door before getting a reply out of him.

Lo ran to the window overlooking the street and groaned, "He's not leaving Jaxx!"

I snorted, "Thats because he either wants to follow me to my parents or after we leave break into our house."

"Protect and serve my fucking ass - more like Peep and Snoop," Lo hissed.

Laughing I nodded in agreement, "My family and I totally agree with you."

Another knock at the door had Lo and I staring at eachother. That pig was still in his car... who the hell was that then? Walking over I opened the door a crack and was met with the back of a guys head, sandy blond hair kind of a mess, "Hello?" I asked curiously.

He spun around suddenly and I am met with blue eyes and a smile that easily won me over, "Hello Jaxx."

"Um... hi Ryan," my mind went blank and my heart began to race.

"Are you going to let me in?" he looked puzzled.

"Depends... are you with that cop thats stalking me as of late?"

"Fuck no. Wait. Where's the cop?"

I pointed to his car, "That would be him. He thinks we have something to do with that guys death last night."

"So he's stalking you now?" again puzzlement on his face.

"He also knows my family that is notorious for not so nice things. I was on my way to see them, but with Lo going to work soon as well we dont want to leave the house empty for obvious reasons."

"No shit. Well, can I come in and wait with you? If he takes too long I will do something."

"I don't need a war at my door Ryan."

He laughed, "Alright, something small then."

I giggled and let him in, "Wait... who are you connected to?"

He raised an eyebrow at me, "You first darling."

I bit my lip and looked down, but he was quicker at the recovery than I was in that moment,"I wont ask if you dont..."

Smiling I nodded, "Deal."

Attraction Between Light and Dark *FakeAHCrewAU* *Vagabond*Where stories live. Discover now