Chapter 12

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A/N: To everyone Canadian... Happy Thanksgiving. That is why I didn't update last night... I ended up crashing my friends families dinner because my family isn't here right now.

Anyway!! here is the next chapter its kinda short... sorry!


Ryan's POV

     As soon as I closed her bedroom door it was a few seconds until she opened the front door. Cops yelling and guns being cocked sounded all over the house. I almost lost it and went out there to kill a few cops. Another notch on my very long belt... wouldn't hurt now would it?

    I could hear her talking and probably to that cop that was camping outside her house. I have seen that cop a few times. He is constantly on my crews case. Trying to make things stick to people who don't know anything. Hes grinded up against Gavin a few times and Ray once. Of course he had nothing and had to back off. But not without promising to watch over them like a hawk. If he was better at his job then he would have caught us ages ago. But... he's not. If I recall his name is... Lowes. Shitty name for a shitty cop.

    Tell her what she's charged with....

    What the hell is he talking about? It has to be my stunt to get Lowes away from her house. God damn it! I became a nervous wreck and I wanted to act out and be stupid. Grinding my teeth I stayed put.

    I waited a few more minutes before I heard the door close a final time. Making my way to her window I peeked outside. Cops were leaving and the last to leave was the one holding Jaxx inside his car. I was beyond frustrated. Jaxx was arrested because of my stupid ass idea to impress her.

    "Fuck!" I said even though no one was around to hear me.

    Making my way to her computer I touch the mouse and her computer comes alive and hums. The picture I see as her home screen makes me smile and I don't know why. Its her and Lo taking a selfie and it looks like their first day in this place. There are boxes everywhere in the picture. I find the icon and double click. Her mom is the only contact which is odd but probably the easiest way to contact if something goes wrong. Like this for instance.

    Opening the chat I wait for the right words to come to me. Cause this is weird and my first rodeo in this position. I typed the first things that came into my head. 'This is Jaxx's friend. She has been arrested for crimes she did not commit. She is being held downtown at the main police station. I know she refuses to say anything and demanded a lawyer. Officer Lowes is the man that arrested her. I'm sorry.'

    As soon as I hit send I felt like I wanted to wait for a response. It was like a clarification that they are going to get her out and she will be safe again. Within a minute a response was being typed. I almost didn't want to stick around to read it. But I had to. I was worried and then the heist tonight. My mind needs to be clear. Not so fucking clouded.

    A ding sounded and I looked at the chat log the message was exactly how Jaxx said it would say, 'Thank you. My husband and I are on our way with our lawyer to get her out of there. I am sure we will know what happened when we get there. Is there anything else we need to know?'

    I typed back, 'Yea. Officer Lowes found out who she really was and decided to stay outside her house for a few hours. I know she was suppose to see you. But that is why she was held up.'

    'I appreciate your honesty. But I do have to ask... do you know who she is?'

    'No. We agreed to not disclose that information to each other. No judgements.'

    'Fair enough. Thank you again.'

    -Logged off-

    "Well then..." I looked around the house. Finding a pen and paper I left a small note for Lo with my burner phone number. Locking up the best I could, I left the house.

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