2: Christmas Eve

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Date: Thursday, December 24th, 2020

Where: Sam and Brenda's house

Who: Everyone

Time: 10 PM

Third Person POV  

Everyone was at Sam and Brenda's house, and all of the kids were with their grandparents, except for Josie, Savannah, Shawn, and Sandy. They were all asleep in the guest room on the bottom floor with a baby monitor. Everyone was in the living room, their first Christmas tree up and decorated before Sam left, with a bunch of presents. Everyone wanted to see Sam when he got home.

"When is he supposed to get here?"

"He texted me and said that he was on the way here."Brenda said. Everyone nodded and went back to watching the Christmas movie. Sam had been in four different places, back and forth, for the past three days. He left early Tuesday morning when his Album was released to do CD signings, then he went to Nashville, then New York, and then LA, and over again two times, but not going to Ohio. About twenty minutes later, there were headlights shining through the windows, coming in the yard. A door slammed, and then Sam came in, unlocking the door with his keys. Everyone watched him look at the stairs, then at his suit case, and then back at the stairs again.

"Fuck the stairs." He mumbled and went in the kitchen. He went to the sink and started splashing his face with cold water. He leaned on the counter and started to fall asleep, but jerked awake and kicked his shoes off and sat in the double recliner with Brenda. He leaned over and kissed her, and she felt how wet his cheeks were, but not from the water he splashed on himself; he dried his face afterwards. She pulled away and saw how red his eyes were and how they were watering.

"What's wrong?" She asked, causing everyone to look their way.

"I'm just..."He paused and wiped his eyes."I'm so freaking tired. I haven't slept at all since the night before I left." He said, sounding pitiful and exhausted.

"I am going to kill Matthew." Brenda said, annoyed. Sam sniffed and nodded. He was so sleepy, he was acting like a tired toddler.

"You and I both." Santana said, standing up. She held her hands out to Sam.

"What?"He blinked.

"Come on, your going to bed." Sam whined and tried to sink farther into the recliner.

"I don't want to move." He whined. Rachel stood beside her, holding one of her hands out as well.

"I'll come lay down with you." Brenda told him.

"Don't you want to sleep in that big, comfortable, and warm bed?" Rachel asked. He nodded, wiped his eyes and sniffed again, and let Rachel and Santana pull him up. Brenda walked with him and he told everyone quietly,

"Goodnight, whatever your names are. I don't even remember right now. See ya tomorrow. Love you mama, deddy." He said. That's how people in the south, grown men and women included, say daddy.

"Did he just say 'deddy'?"Puck asked.

"That's how you say daddy in the south, idiot."Brenda said as she took Sam upstairs, telling the others they could leave or stay, even though the ones who had kids were going to leave, but to lock the door after they leave. Rachel and Santana stayed upstairs with Sam and Brenda, watching Brenda get Sam to sleep in about a minute after he laid down. They sat on the other side of Brenda, and Sam ended up sprawling out on his side of the bed, leaving, still a lot, room for them to sit comfortable.

"Not to be mean or anything, but I never really expected him to be so successful." Santana said. Brenda raised an eyebrow."I don't mean it in a bad way, Bren. He's always been an amazing singer, and dancer."

"I'm surprised that he hasn't blew anything yet, considering how he holds in all of his emotions, and loses his temper once it builds up."

"I know what you mean. I hate that it's like this." Brenda said, looking at him, sleeping peacefully, snoring lightly.  The three got up and went downstairs, Brenda making sure that the door didn't slam when she shut it.

"I thought you were staying with him." Finn said.

"He fell asleep pretty fast, so, I decided to come back down here for a little while."She answered. They watched the rest of the movie and when everyone left, Brenda went back to bed, and Sam was awake."Hey, why are you awake?" She asked.

"I didn't know where you went." He said, looking up at her, tears in his eyes again.

"Sammy, what's wrong?" She asked, laying beside him." I know the crying is more than you being tired."

"You're gonna be mad and probably break up with me." He said, looking everywhere but at her face.

"No I won't. What happened?"

"This-This girl at the CD signing, she worked at the store. She wanted me to go to the back room with her to sign the CD's at first, and I didn't know what to do, since she was the only one who had said anything to me. I followed her and she-she started kissing me and tried to take my shirt off, but I didn't let her and pushed her off me and went back into the store. I'm so sorry, I didn't know and-" She kissed him on the lips to stop him. He looked at her, tears falling from his eyes.

"Sam, I'm not mad at you, you didn't know. I understand. I'm not mad at you, but I am mad at that slut." She said, causing him to crack a smile.

"But I kissed her back, because it was like that reflex when someone kisses you,"Brenda kissed him a gain and he kissed back,"Like that."

"You didn't cheat on me, Sam. Don't stress yourself over it, okay? I'm going to stay with you until tomorrow, whenever you're ready to get up, unless I have to pee, I promise." He nodded, and curled up, cuddling into her side. She wiped his face and put her cheek on top of his head, putting her arms around him and humming his favorite country song until he fell asleep.

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