74: Pasodoble

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Wednesday, October 9th, 2024

"Ugh, Damn it." Sam groaned, leaning over and putting his hands on the floor, stretching his back. They'd just started their next dance, 'Pasodoble' a few hours ago, and now his back was just burning.

"What's wrong?" Brittany asked.

"My back is deciding to just go 'bleh'." He said, sitting all the way up. "Ever since the accident, my back just randomly starts hurting. I'm fine."

"Do you need a minute or two?" She asked. He shook his head and stood up. They did it a few more times and he had to stop again.

"I think we're done for the day, Sam." She said. He pouted but nodded. He slowly stood up and picked up his phone, hat, wallet, and water bottle and tossing her his keys so she could drive. He took two Tylenol when they got to the apartment and laid down on the heating pad that Brittany was making him lay on because of his back. She sat at the end of the couch with him, him curled up in a ball with a blanket, watching TV. She texted Santana for a little while and realized Sam had fallen asleep. She got up and went to her room, quietly shutting the door. She sat on her bed and opened up her lap top, going on Skype to Skype with Santana and Brenda. Santana was sitting on the couch with Santiago in her lap, Brenda sitting next to her.

"Where's Sam?"

"He's asleep. We were practicing our dance earlier, for a few hours, and then he sat down and stretched his back since it was hurting. A little while later, it got worse so I made him stop and we came back to the apartment. He took two Tylenol and I made him lay down on the heating pad and now he's curled up in a ball on the couch asleep. I think he's getting sick."

"I hope not. He will be so mad at himself if he does." Brenda said, sighing. She rubbed her eyes.

"What's up with you?" Santana asked.

"I'm just really tired for some reason."

"Dude, you literally just woke up from a nap." Brenda shrugged and grinned.

"I'm hungry too, so I'll see you later Britt. Tell Sam to call me when he wakes up." Brittany nodded and spent the next hour or so talking to Santana.


Monday, October 14th, 2024
Week 7

Sam did end up getting a cold, but by now it was gone and he was hyped up, ready for their dance, which he couldn't wait to do. he was jittery and bouncing his knee up and down until it was time for their dance. He was wearing something similar to last week, without a shirt on and Brittany had her hair in a tight bun, a long black and red dress that was easy to move in.

"And finally, dancing the 'Pasodoble' is Sam Evans and Brittany Lopez!" After their dance, they walked over to the judges table.

"Bruno, what did you think?"

"Utterly amazing! Sam, you should always make sure your shoulders are straight during that dance, but considering you have back problems, I understand. It was great." Sam nodded, biting his lip.

"Quit biting that lip, boy!" Carrie Ann said and he laughed."This is definitely your best performance of the season so far. Especially after everything that happened with your back and getting sick, you did an amazing job on this one, Sam."

"I agree with Carrie Ann. It was amazing. Anyone who says otherwise is full of it!" Julianne said, causing everyone to laugh. They went to the balcony to get their scores.

"Carrie Ann?"

"10!" It was the first ten she'd given the whole season so far.




"10!" Sam and Brittany both started jumping as they hugged, the both of them acting childish, despite being shocked but happy at the same time.

"The first 30/30 this season! Congratulations!" Erin said. A little while later, it was time for the elimination.

"The first four couples that are safe are...Sam and Brittany....Derek and Bindi...Alexa and Mark...Alek and Lindsay!" Sam hugged Brittany and they went to the side of the floor again."Hayes and Emma...Witney and Carlos...you are also safe! Tamar and Valentin, Andy and Allison you are in Jeopardy." After all the couples except for the ones in Jeopardy left the floor, Tom said." And the couple going home is...Val and Tamar."

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