Chapter 62

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I don't know what to name this chapter, but here you go!

When they got to the hospital, Chord was sitting in the waiting room with everyone who was there, Quinn, Puck, Rachel, Finn, Mary, and Dwight. The others got up to hug Kelly and Kelsey and meet the twins while Sam and Brenda went over to Chord. He looked at Kelly and then asked,

"Does she have cancer?" The two looked down and nodded.

"You can tell him while you two are seeing the twins if you want, Sam." Brenda told him, and hugged Chord and kissed Sam before sitting with Mary and Dwight. Chord led Sam to the NICU and Dr. Lynda smiled seeing the two.

"I was just about to feed them again, but it looks like you two can." She said. Chord took Sam to the incubators.

"They're beautiful, dude." Sam said, looking at him. Chord smiled.

"They look like Mercedes." He said, and picked Macy up. He gave her to Sam and then picked Rosie up. They sat in the chairs that are next to each other and fed them while they talked.

"Kelly came to the house a little while after I left here, and she told us that we're the only people she trusts enough to take care of her kids. She has stage four breast cancer and her doctor apparently told her that she wouldn't live long and she wants us to adopt them." He told him, looking up at him. His jaw dropped open.

"Are you two going to do it?"

"If something happens to her, yes, but I'm hoping and praying nothing happens to her."

"You're not the only one." They were quiet for a few minutes.

"Kelly said that I was more of a father to Kelsey than her own dad was, and Kelsey agreed with her. Her real dad is dead now."

"Wow, what about the twins?"

"They had the same dad."

"Oh, dang. That's sad."

"I know." Sam said, sighing. A few minutes later, they put the twins back in the incubators after they burped them, and as they were about to walk out, Dr. Lynda rushed in.

"What's wrong?" Chord asked.

"It's Mercedes. She's awake." He didn't believe her at first, but when he knew for sure, eh took off running. He stopped in the doorway, looking at Mercedes, who was sitting up in her bed as if waiting for him to come to her. He covered his mouth with his sleeve covered hand and walked over to her. She held her arms out to him and he sat on the bed next to her and they hugged as he cried, happy tears, into her shoulder.


Thursday, May 16th, 2024

It's been three weeks since Mercedes woke up, two since her and Chord were finally able to take the twins home. It's also been a week and a half since Kelly was put in the hospital. They'd already started getting everything ready for the adoption, even though they didn't want to have to do it.

"How's Kelly doing?" Rachel asked. Everyone was at Sam and Brenda's house, having a mini glee reunion.

"She's been getting weaker and weaker." Brenda said, running her hands through Sam's hair. He was asleep, his head on her lap."He's been worrying about me, Brooklyn, Kelly, Kelsey, and the twins and it's taking it's toll on him." She said.

"What about Kelsey?" Quinn asked.

"She's...Well, I guess she just...doesn't understand everything yet. She knows that something could happen to her mom, but I don't think she knows what it would mean."

"Poor thing." Brenda nodded in agreement. About an hour later, Sam's phone started ringing, which woke him up. He rubbed his eyes and answered it.

"Hello?" He asked tiredly.

"Hi, this is Dr. Andrews, Kelly Jackson's doctor. Is this Sam Evans?"

"Yes sir, is something wrong?"

"I'm sorry to tell you this, but Ms. Jackson passed away in her sleep about 15 minutes ago." Sam sat there, a shocked look on his face."Mr. Evans? Is everything okay?"

"Um, yes. Thank you for calling and telling me." Sam said, his voice cracking at the end and he hung up. He leaned forward, his head in his hands.

"Sam?" Brenda asked, putting her hand on his shoulder. She felt his body shaking from under her hand."Who was it?"

"It was the doctor." He managed.

"No..." Brenda said, her eyes beginning to water. He sat up and looked at her, his eyes red and watering still. He hugged her.

"He said she died in her sleep about 15 minutes ago."

"Oh my god." She cried. Kelsey came in the room, curious as to what was going on. She saw the two hugging and crying, everyone else were quiet but had sad looks on their faces.

"Sammy? Brenda?" She asked. Everyone looked at her. Sam quickly wiped his eyes.

"Come here." He told her quietly. She did.

"What's wrong?" She asked sweetly.

"You're mom's doctor called me a few minutes ago, Sweetie, and...we won't be able to go see her anymore." He told her gently.

"So she died?" She asked, her eyes beginning to water.

"I- Yes, she did." He said, trying not to cry in front of her. The small girl let out a small wail and fell forward into his arms, sobbing. He hugged her tightly, trying to comfort her, despite crying himself. He stood up and took her upstairs, Brenda following closely behind. The three laid on Sam and Brenda's bed, them both trying to comfort her. Sam held her close to him

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