75: Rumba & Salsa

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Monday, October 21st, 2024

Week 8

This week is Cher week, and she is a guest judge for the week. Their dance and song is 'Rumba' and 'Turn Back Time'. They worked on it a lot, and they had extra male dancers for the first part of it, because Brittany was determined to be sexy for it, even though she didn't really have to try. And Sam, he said he was already sexy enough, which made Brittany laugh on more than one occasion. She was in a sexy black dress, and he was wearing what seemed to be a sailor boy outfit, the hat and everything. When the music started, Sam and the other five dancers walked out on the floor, and she walked over to him, taking his hat off his head, and standing behind him, reaching in front and pulling off his top, so now he is completely shirtless, his entire back showing. Then, they started dancing. After the dance, they walked over to the (now) four judges and Tom.

"Cher, what did you think?"

"I think that when you said you were gonna come out sexy, well, you did." She said, and Brittany grinned. After the other judges opinions, they went back up to the balcony for their scores.



"Carrie Ann?"






"39 out of 40, that's amazing!" They hung around backstage with Bindi and Derek until the elimination.

"You're baby girl is so cute!" Bindi told Sam, who grinned.

"I mean, she looks like me, so of course!" He said,"Nah, she is beautiful though. She's my baby." Bindi awe'd."Just like her mama." Andy and Allison were voted off this week, sadly.


Monday, October 28th, 2024

Week 9

This week is trio week, and Mark is dancing with them. They're doing the salsa, which they had a lot of fun with during rehearsal, and the two boys got on Brittany's nerves to no end the entire time, barely getting anything done.

"Dancing the 'Salsa' is Sam Evans and Brittany Lopez, featuring Mark Ballas!" After their dance, they went over to the judges table.

"What did you think, Julianne?"

"Those butts got me down for you two, you too Mark." Julianne said, making them laugh."This performance was great, though I think Brittany had a hard time concentrating on the dance during rehearsal."

"Yeah, these two D-bags were talking to each other in the minion language." She said.

"Ha! They're going to show it. Sam and Mark were on either sides of Brittany, looking at each other making random noises and motioning towards each other as if they were having a full out conversation.

"He is so freaking tall. I've never been up close to him like this, but he's a dang giant!" Mark exclaimed, Sam putting his arm on Mark's head as an arm rest. Everyone laughed.

"I get that a lot. How do you think Brenda feels? I have to either bend down or pick her up to kiss her." Everyone laughed. They got their scores, which was 30/30 again. Hayes and Emma were voted off this week, and Sam said in an interview,

"Hayes was my lil buddy. I'ma miss the lil dude. Reminds me of Stevie when he was that age."

I'm sorry its short y'all, more to come soon! Literally! And in the next chapter, there will be more s and Brenda conversations as well as what's going on in Ohio.

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