83: Meeting Grandma & Grandpa Evans

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Thursday, December 19th, 2024

17 weeks and 2 days

Thursday, December 19th, 2024

17 weeks and 2 days

"Oh, look at this sweet little baby!" Grandma Evans exclaimed quietly, looking over Sam's shoulder to look at a sleeping Brooklyn."She is so precious you two!" Brenda thanked her and took off her jacket, showing off her belly. Grandma Evans gasped quietly and Sam grinned at Brenda, who blushed.

"Surprise!" She said waving her hands. Grandma Evans walked over to her and hugged her, then put her hands on her belly as she talked.

"How far along are you?" She asked.

"17 weeks."

"And your already this big? I don't mean it in a bad way." She said, sitting down. Brenda laughed.

"We're having twins this time." She said.

"Really? That's great! What are the genders? Do you know?"

"They're both girls." Brenda told her. Meanwhile, Sam was in the kitchen with his grandpa and Kelsey. The twins had fallen asleep and he'd already put them down for their nap. Brooklyn had woken up and was just sucking on her paci with her head on Sam's shoulder.

"So, you two are definitely expanding your little family, eh?" Grandpa Evans asked. Sam laughed and nodded.

"It wasn't exactly planned, but I'm happy either way."

"I'm proud of you, Samuel." Grandpa Evans told him. There was a loud noise from upstairs that scared Brooklyn. She looked at Sam and started crying. He bounced her a few times but she was still crying. Brenda and Grandma Evans came in.

"What's wrong?"

"There was a loud noise or something from upstairs and it scared her." He said.

"Come to mama." Brenda said, holding her hands out to her and Brooklyn went to her. She stopped crying after a few seconds. The front door opened and Josie, Chase, and Caleb came running in, Mercedes holding the girls, Chord behind them carrying their bags.

"Uncle Sammy!" Josie exclaimed, and all three of the kids ran to him, making him laugh. Mercedes took the twins to Grandma and Grandpa Evans and went to hug Brenda, and she froze when she saw her. Chord bumped into her and looked at Brenda.

"What?" He and Mercedes asked at the same time. Brenda grinned.

"Twins this time. Both girls." Mercedes squealed and hugged Brenda, and then hugged Sam before going back to gush over Brooklyn. Chord crossed his arms and looked at Sam. Sam grinned sheepishly.

"I'm sorry we didn't tell you sooner. There's been a lot of drama and all since we found out and-"

"Sam, shut up." Chord said, and hugged him."Congrats bro."

"Hey Uncle Chordie!" Kelsey said, hugging him. He laughed and hugged her back.

"Hey squirt. You excited about the twins?" He asked. She nodded.

"Just not all the crying." She said, before going back to the tablet. Sam shook his head and made a face.

"How far along are you?" Mercedes asked.

"17 weeks." She answered.

"Really? That's awesome. Who all knows? Because I know you've been trying to hide it, right?" Brenda laughed and nodded.

"Pretty much everyone except for both of our entire families. Plus the world, and we're going to have to tell them soon, according to Mallorie." She said. Mercedes nodded.

"So, whose ready to eat? Because I'm seriously hungry right now." Brenda said, making everyone laugh.


Later that night, when all of the kids were asleep, the adults sat in the living room talking, with the exception of Kelsey being there as well.

"How do you want to do the presents? I know you two want to go home for Christmas so you can spend it together as a little family." Grandma Evans asked.

"I guess we'll just do it sometime on Sunday since we're leaving on Monday." Sam answered, rubbing Brenda's side and belly. She was laying on her side, her head on a pillow on his lap, asleep.

"We'll go to church, because there's the Christmas concert they're having at church, which you two are singing in, right?" Grandma Evans asked Sam, who nodded." Then I'll cook dinner, we'll eat, and open presents." Sam nodded.

"Sounds like a plan." Sam looked at Kelsey."Are you gonna help me wrap your mom and the babies presents?" Sam asked her. She nodded.

"Duh, I love wrapping stuff." She said and he laughed. A little while later, Sam woke Brenda up, and they all went to bed.


Sunday, December 22nd, 2024

"Here is Sam and Brenda Evans singing an original song, 'Christmas In Heaven'!" The Preacher Cameron said, clapping along with everyone else in the pews. Sam and Brenda sat at the piano, Sam playing it by himself, a mic in front of him, with her holding her own. She had on a pair of black pants, a red sweater, with a jacket that was still hiding her growing bump.

December hasn't changed
This town looks the same
They still light that tree in the city square
There's red, white, and green shining everywhere
And I wish you were here
And I wonder

Is the snow falling down on the streets of gold
Are the mansions all covered in white
Are you singing with angels "Silent Night"
I wonder what Christmas in heaven is like

There's a little manger scene
Down on Third and Main
I must have walked right by it a thousand times
But I see it now in a different light
'Cause I know you are there
And I wonder

Are you kneeling with shepherds before him now
Can you reach out and touch his face
Are you part of that glorious Holy night
I wonder what Christmas in Heaven is like

Is the snow falling down on the streets of gold?
Are the mansions all covered in white?
Are you singing with angels "Silent Night"
I wonder what Christmas in Heaven is like



After dinner that night, everyone sat around in the loving room, Rosie, Macy, Justin, Janessa, and Brooklyn crawling around in the floor, the older kids, Kelsey and Josie, sat with their parents. Sam and Chord handed out the few presents under the tree to everyone. Most if the kids presents were at their house a, so that they could open them up, along with 'Santa's' presents, on Christmas morning. Everyone opened gifts, and Sam bought Brenda, Kelsey, Brooklyn, and Janessa matching diamond bracelets, which Brooklyn and Janessa would wear when they're older. He got Justin a Batman watch as well.

"Thanks, Sammy." Brenda said, hugging him. He smiled and kissed her cheek. They went to bed early so that they could get up early in the morning to fly back to Ohio.

The Longer EngagementOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora