57: Stressing

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Tuesday, March 19th, 2024

"So, how'd she do today?" Mary asked as the rest of the Evans family, including Chord, Mercedes, Josie, and the twins, came inside.

"I saw on Twitter that she didn't like shots either." Mercedes said, sitting down and rubbing her belly.

"No, poor thing screamed the whole time." Brenda said, poking Sam's leg. He grinned at her. He was laying on his back, Brooklyn laying on her stomach on his chest.

"Is she asleep?" Brenda asked. He shook his head and grinned.

"No, she's just staring at me with her paci halfway falling out of her mouth." He said. The girls awe'd."You remember that half smile Benny had all the time when he looked at you when he was first born?" He asked. She nodded." That's what she'd doing."

"Seriously" He nodded and picked her up. He held her in front of him. She started cooing when she saw Brenda.

"She's such a happy baby." Brenda said, picking her up. Brenda's phone started ringing. She held Brooklyn with one arm and answered it.


"Hey, I have great news!" Tina said happily.


"I'm pregnant!" She exclaimed.

"Really? That's awesome T! How long?"

"Five weeks." They hung up a few minutes later.

"What'd she want?" Sam asked.

"She told me she was pregnant."

"Oh, cool! Mike said they'd been trying for another baby." Sam said. Brenda's phone rang again and let Mary hold Brooklyn. She answered it and went in the kitchen.

"Hey mama."

"Hey, baby. How'd everything go?"

"Good. She weighs ten pounds and five ounces now."

"Good. Um, I need to tell you something."


"Pa, and some of, well, most of, the family are coming to visit for for a few days. They'll get here on Friday." She said.

"For what?"

"To see you, Sam, and the baby, duh."

"Don't 'duh' me." She said jokingly.

"Teresa is coming too."

"Oh, hell no. I don't want her nasty ass anywhere near Brooklyn. Or Sam for that matter."

"But she's your aunt-"

"Technically, she's not, because her and Tony aren't married anymore!"

"She's still going to come. And some of them are going to have to stay with you and Sam at your house."

"Mom! Come on! It's not up to me, it's up to Sam whether or not other people stay here to visit, not just me. And why can't you give me a heads up way before now, that they're coming period?"

"Because I didn't know until this morning when Pa told me." Brenda pinched the bridge of her nose and leaned against the counter.

"I'm already stressed enough, mom." She said quietly." Those crazy ass people don't need to add anything to it."

"I know you are, baby, so am I. At least I'm not going to have Teresa stay with you."

"I don't even want her to come in the door of this house. She won't be coming here, at all."

"What did she ever do to you?"

"She has told me on more than one occasion that I'll be a bad mother. Do you have any idea how that makes me feel? She's already said I was stupid for being Kurt and Blaine's surrogate, and now that Sam and I have our own baby, she says that I'm a bad mom to them both."

"When did she tell you that?"

"The last time I talked to her. When I was 6 months pregnant."

"Why didn't you tell me or Sam?"

"Because I knew he would either get mad at her, or he'd be constantly worried about me, and I don't like it when he has to worry about me like that. And I know you would have went off on her too."

"Well, I'm going to call her now and talk to her. I'll come over in a little while. I love you."

"Love you too." She said, her voice cracking slightly as she hung up. She covered her eyes with one of her hands. Everyone else was quiet, only hearing her part of the conversation. Sam stood up silently and went to Brenda. He hugged her tightly, his face in her hair. She buried her face in his chest and wrapped her arms around his waist."I know you're mad. I'm sorry." She said, not looking at him. He made her look at him.

"Why would I be mad at you? I know how stressed you are, baby. I'm not clueless like Puckerman, I know these things."

"Because I didn't tell you what Teresa said."

"I'm not even worried about her. All I'm worried about right now is you and Brook, okay? Now stop crying, you know I don't like seeing you upset like this."She nodded and let him wipe the tears off of her cheeks. She sniffed and he hugged her again.

"Do you want to take a nap? We can just let everyone stay down here and watch after Brook for a little while." Brenda nodded and went ahead upstairs. Sam sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Can y'all watch her for a few hours?"

"Of course. Let us know if you need anything." Mary said. Sam nodded and went upstairs with Brenda. He laid beside her and wrapped his arms around her.

"Are you okay?" He asked quietly.

"I'm okay now. I think I'm just sleepy." She said, laying her head on his chest. He yawned and then replied.

"Me too." He said. She smiled and kissed him quickly, and then they both fell asleep.

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