66: Stitches

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"You better be glad you came to the emergency room after all that." Dr. Daniels said, looking at the gashes on Sam's face. They'd just finished telling him what happened after waiting in the waiting room for four hours, it now being two in the morning."Don't think you'd want these to get infected. Or that bump on your head." He said. Sam grunted, unimpressed at the doctors happy mood, and he moved the bag of ice slightly on his head.

"No shit." He mumbled.

"Sam!" Brenda exclaimed, smacking his arm lightly.

"Its okay, Mrs. Evans. He's in a pretty good amount of pain right now."

"Can you just hurry up already?" He whined, his head hurting worse. Dr. Daniels stitched up his lip and the gash close to his hairline, putting a small bandaid over the latter.

"I'll be right back with some pain medicine for him." He left. Brenda started to say something, but Sam interrupted her.

"I know your pissed at me. If you're going to yell at me, please await until tomorrow."

"It is tomorrow Sam. Its almost three."

"You know what I mean."

"And I'm not gonna yell at you. I'm more worried than anything else right now." She said holding his hand and holding the ice on his head for him. Mary and Donna stayed at the house with the kids. Dr. Daniels came back and gave Sam some pain medicine. He took it with some water.

"Let me know when your head stops hurting and I'll discharge you." Brenda nodded. Sam closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Brenda kissed his forehead and ran her hands through his hair gently. About an hour later, his head had stopped hurting as much, but it was still hurting a little. He was able to go home and they left. When they got back home, the kids were asleep and Mary and Donna were watching TV downstairs. The two stood up and met them in the hall.

"So? Is everything okay?" Mary asked as she hugged Sam. He hugged her back and rested his head on her shoulder.

"He had to get seven stitches on his forehead and five in his lip. He just has a bad headache now." Brenda answered for her sleepy husband. Mary ran her had through is hair gently "You two can stay in the guest rooms if you want to. I'm gonna take him upstairs so he can rest." They nodded and decoded to stay in the guest rooms as Sam and Brenda laid down in bed.

"I'm sorry." Sam said, sniffing.

"For what?"

"I ruined everything because of my temper and now all of the kids are scared of me, including my own kids." He said, his voice cracking. She ran her hand through his hair gently.

"No it's not, Sam. Jake shouldn't have done what he did."

"Still, I-"He sniffed, squeezing his eyes shut. She hugged him tightly.

"Stop, Sam. The kids don't hate you and they're not scared of you . They love you." She said, trying to comfort him."Just calm down before your head starts hurting." He sniffed and nodded. Someone knocked on the door and they sat up. Sam wiped his eyes as Brenda got up and opened the door.

"Hey, what are you doing up?" Brenda asked Kelsey, who rubbed her eyes and yawned.

"I wanted to make sure daddy was okay." She said. The two walked back over to the bed. Brenda got back in her spot as Kelsey crawled up on the bed between them. He put his arm around her.

"Did you get hurt?" She asked sweetly.

"A little, but I'm alright, Sweetie."

"I don't like Noah's brother." She said, calling Puck by his real name. Sam wanted to say something, but decided against it.

"I know." He said, and sighed. Brenda kissed him on the cheek and Kelsey did the same thing before cuddling into his side. Brenda turned the lamp on and held Sam's hand close to her heart, putting her other arm across the both of them and they fell asleep.

Monday, July 15th, 2024

Sam got the stitches out a little while ago, and now he's packing a few things to go to back to LA with. He has an interview with Ellen and then he was going to Nashville to visit his grandparents for a while, then he was going to come back to Ohio on Friday.

"I don't want you to go." Brenda whined along with Kelsey. He wrapped his arms around them both, kissing Brooklyn on the head.

"I know. I don't want to go either, but I'll be back before you know it." He said, and picked the twins up, kissing them as well before leaving for the airport, kissing them all goodbye again.

This chapter is horrible in my opinion, but more to come soon! And if you haven't already, check out my new story, 'A Cinderella Story'.

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