Chapter 80

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Thursday, December 5th, 2024

15 weeks and 2 days

7 AM

"This sucks." Brenda said, sitting back on her knees. She'd been in the bathroom for the last 15 minutes, throwing up. Sam rubbed her back.

"I know, I'm sorry baby. You done?" He asked.

"Nope," She said, as she leaned over he toilet and started throwing up again. Sam held her her hair back the whole time. When she finally stopped throwing up, they went back in their room and laid down.

"When can we start decorating the tree and the house?" She asked.

"Well, we have to go buy some more lights and ornaments since Puck accidentally ran the box over." She nodded." So, we'll do that while we go buy presents for everyone and buy a tree." he said. She smiled and kissed his cheek before saying,

"I have a doctor's appointment on Wednesday. Do you want to go?"

"Of course!" He said, kissing her forehead. She fell asleep and he was asleep soon after.


Later that day, they got up and left to go have lunch at Puck and Quinn's house. Rachel, Finn, Kitty, Artie, Marley, Jake, Mike, and Tina were already there with their kids. Sam and Brenda brought their kids as well. A few minutes after they got there, Santana, Brittany, Blaine, Kurt, and Unique arrived with Benny and Santiago.

'Where's Hunter and Haley?" Rachel asked.

"They're at home. Haley is sick again." She said.

"Awe, I hope she feels better." They ate lunch and sat around in the living room, Brooklyn crawling around and stopping in front of everyone to look at them, and then kept crawling.

"Sam, your kid is weird." Puck said.

"Says you. Look at Noelle." He said. She was eating glitter. Puck got up quickly and picked her up, taking her in the kitchen to get it out of her mouth. Quinn shook her head.

"I swear, she gets that from him."

"It's not that surprising." Sam said, picking Brooklyn up since she had begun to whine. He put her paci in her mouth and gave her to Brenda. She put her on her chest and she fell asleep a few minutes later.

"She's already tired herself out, eh?" Artie asked. Sam laughed and nodded. He picked the twins up, setting them on each of his knees.

"You two are going to have your hands full when those two are born." Quinn said.

"I know, but I think we can handle it. Don't you think Sam?" Brenda said.

"What? Sorry, I was watching them have a baby conversation." Brenda snorted and repeated her question." Oh, definitely." He said, and she laughed.

"When do you find out the genders?" Rachel asked.

"Well, we might be able to find out the genders next week, but I'm not exactly sure yet." Brenda said.

"Same. When do you go?" Kitty asked.


"So do we!" Brenda laughed. Sam grinned randomly.

"What?" She asked.

"I already know what Stacy's having." He said.

"What?" Brenda asked, everyone looking at them.

"I'm not supposed to say anything, so don't repeat it, but it's a girl." The girls awe'd.

"What are you going to do if it's two girls, Sam?" Puck asked cheekily. Sam's eyes widened.

"I'll probably have a bald head by the time I'm 30." He said. Brenda laughed.

"Well, I don't feel like crap like I did with Benny, despite the morning sickness, so you never know, Sam." She said. He laughed and kissed her cheek.

"I'll love them no matter what, whether it's a boy and a girl, two boys, or two girls." He said. Brenda smiled and kissed him. Eventually, the boys were standing in the kitchen talking, Sam and Jake still not speaking to each other, when Maddie ran by them as Kurt turned around, a knife that he'd just washed in his hand. If Sam hadn't picked her up and moved her out of the way, it probably would have gone right into her head.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry!" Kurt said, dropping the knife back into the sink and covering his mouth. The girls rushed into the kitchen, seeing Sam holding a crying Maddie, an upset Kurt, and a frozen in place Jake.

"What happened?" Marley asked as she took Maddie from Sam, calming her down.

"I-I..." Kurt said," I almost stabbed her by accident. If Sam hadn't moved her out of the way, then..." He couldn't finished. Everyone looked at Sam and Jake. Sam wasn't looking at him, he was making sure Maddie was okay and Jake was looking at Sam with a weird look on his face.

"Alright, I'm tired of this shit. Sam, Jake, come with me." Brenda said, and pulled both of the men up the stairs and took them into a guest room and made them sit in two different chairs.

"What?" Sam asked.

"I'm tired of you two arguing and not being able to talk to each other like grown men. Now grow your asses up, sort out your differences, and don't come back out until you do!" She exclaimed, before leaving the room and slamming the door shut. They looked at each other with wide eyes.

"That sounded so dirty." Sam mumbled and Jake snorted.

"Look, dude, I didn't mean for the grass to catch on fire that day. I thought you would have had time to catch it. I wasn't trying to hurt anyone." Jake said.

"But it happened, Jake. If I hadn't have done something, then everyone probably would have got burned bad, including you and your kids and Marley."

"I know, and I'm sorry. I really am. I know how much of an idiot I am, because Marley yelled at me that night, and the next day Puck did. But thank you for saving Maddie's life. You really did."

"I would have done it for anyone. We used to be like brothers Jake, like me and Puck are. Or like you and Ryder are. And I hate not talking to one of my friends. I'm sorry too though. I let my temper get the bast of me and it didn't end well for the either of us." Jake nodded.

"So did mine. So...Truce?" He asked. Sam laughed and nodded standing up. Jake stood up as well and held out a hand. Sam grabbed it, but pulled him into a hug.

"Dude, you know I'm a hugger." Jake snorted again. Sam let him go." Just one thing."


"Stop with the dumb comments like Puck used to do, which always landed him in trouble."


"It's alright, just think before you talk." Jake nodded, and left the room. They went back down stairs and Brenda immediately hugged Sam. He hugged her back but his shirt started to get wet. He pulled away and looked at her.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you." She said, wiping her eyes. He laughed quietly."It's not funny!" She exclaimed. He laughed again.

"It's alright baby. We both needed to be yelled at by someone besides each other." She giggled.

"So you two finally made up?" Blaine asked.


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