25: Wedding Dress

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Friday, February 25th, 2022

After lunch

"Lets get this party started!" Raven exclaimed, pulling me with her to the dressing room, where there were many dresses. She picked out 9 dresses, but didn't let me see them until I put them on. She walked out with me in the first one.

"Holy shit, how can anyone walk in this?" I asked, pulling the heavy skirt as I walked. I showed everyone quickly, and went back to the dressing room, not even listening to their opinions because I don't like the dress. I tried on the next dress and showed them.

"I like it, but it's a little to frilly for me." I said, looking at it in the mirror. It's strapless, and is fitting to about mid thigh, and starts getting lose and gets frilly. It has a silver band around the waist. I tried on the next dress, but I didn't like it. It's barely knee length, and it gets a little longer in the back. It's strapless with a silver band around the waist, like the the other one, but it's way to frilly and poofy, with to many layers. I showed them, and went and changed into the next one. I like it a lot, but it's mermaid style. It's strapless, and gets tighter around the knees, then flows out to the floor. I had to wobble to the other room to show the girls and Kurt.

"I like it, I really do. But I can't even walk in this." I said, making them laugh. I changed into the next dress, and I don't even know how to describe it. I don't like it at all It goes all the way to the floor in the back, and then starts getting shorter in the front until it almost reached my private parts. I walked out in it, shaking my head.

"Ooh, Sam would love that." Kurt said, causing Mary and mama to smack him on the arm lightly.

"Yeah, he'd love it, but he gets to see all this and more the same night, so no." Everyone was either shocked, laughing, or both at what I said as I walked back into the dressing room. I didn't like the next dress either. It would show way to much cleavage for me, and it was way to fluffy and big. I showed them and no one liked except for Brittany and Julia, who said it looked like a princess dress. I changed into the next dress, and acted like I was a queen when I walked out, having the white thing on my head as well.

"Do you like this one?" Mama asked.

"To fluffy." I said. I changed into the next one, beginning to sweat. I don't know how to describe this one either. All I know is it has way to many layers and poofs out to much. I showed them and took the dress off and sat in my underwear and bra in front of a fan."Tell them I'm taking a break for a minute." I told Raven, who laughed and went out to tell them. Mama walked back and laughed, seeing me half naked in front of the fan.

"Now you know how I feel. Wait a couple years until you have your own kids, with Sam, and have to run around to keep up with them because I have a feeling I'll be getting a lot of grandkids from you two."

"How do you know?"

"You two want a lot of kids, right?" She asked.

"Well yeah, but I don't know how many." I said."It's not just up to me."

"Oh I know." She said, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Mama!" I exclaimed, then sighed a few seconds later.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"It just feels like I'm not ever going to find the dress." I said, playing with my nails.

"Look baby, I know you'll find it. Why don't you try on the next dress, leave it on for a few minutes, and call Sam and talk to him? Maybe he'll make you feel better."She said. I nodded and Raven helped me into the next dress. I walked out to show them, and they all liked it, and I do too, I just don't like how the flowers on it are red. I sat down on a chair and called Sam.

"Hello?" He asked.

"Hey, what are y'all doing?" I asked.

"They are acting like idiots out side in the snow." He said, his voice sounding weird.

"Are you crying?" I asked.

"No, my nose is stuffed." He said.

"Oh, do I need to come home early?"

"Just because I don't feel good doesn't mean you have to come home baby. How's the shopping going?"

"Bad right now. I've already tried on 9 dresses and I've only liked a few of them. We found the bridesmaid dresses earlier."

"Well, I know you'll find it. Am I allowed to see those dresses or do I have to wait to see it until the wedding like your dress?"I laughed.

"No, you can see them. Kurt hired a videographer, and he's video'd them coming out in the dresses." I said. He chuckled, then sneezed. I heard him blow his nose and he got back on."Are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm fine, baby."

"Okay well, I'm gonna try on a few more dresses and then I'm gonna come home."

"Don't rush though, okay?"

"I won't, now go lay down and try to sleep."

"I'm way ahead of you, B. I'm laying in the bed right now watching Netflix with the dogs." I laughed.

"Alright, I love you."

"I love you too." I hung up and gave my phone too mama to hold. I tried on a few more dresses, and I finally found one that I loved.

"Oh. My. God." I said, looking at myself in the mirrors. I looked at them, and they were all grinning at me.

"I think we've found the one." Raven said, grinning proudly.

"It is. It's perfect."

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