58: Meeting Teresa

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Friday, March 22nd, 2024

Yesterday and today, Sam and Brenda have been preparing the rooms for her cousin Amanda, her husband Mike, and their kids Emily and Dana, her cousin Kayla, her husband Kevin, and their son Jack, Kayla's mom and dad, Beth and David (Brenda's cousins too), and their youngest daughter, Hannah. Emily and Dana would share a room, Amanda and Mike would stay in a room, Kayla and Kevin were in one room, Beth and David were in one room, and Jack and Hannah were in another. Everyone would go to the old house instead of Sam and Brenda's first, and Sam and Brenda would take Brooklyn. They got ready once everything was done, and when Sam finished getting ready, he went in the nursery and changed Brooklyn's diaper, then put on her little outfit, which was a light pink, long sleeved onsie, that says 'I Love My Daddy', along with baby 'jeans' and socks. He put the little head band on her head that Brenda had out, and picked her up. He went in the bathroom, where Brenda was finishing her makeup. She put her makeup back in the bag and put it in the drawer, and smiled seeing the two.

"Look at you, pretty girl! You look so cute!" She said, picking her up and kissing her forehead. Sam smiled. Brenda took her phone out and took a picture of them in the mirror, Sam with his arms wrapped around them. They hadn't released any actual pictures of Brooklyn yet, maybe just pictures of her on Sam's chest or her and Brenda asleep on the bed, but you could see her face clearly in the picture. Brenda put her little jacket on and put her in the car seat. It was still freezing cold out side, yeah, the Ohio weather is crazy. She put another blanket over her and then made sure she had everything. Her and Sam left after he locked the house up, and he put the car seat in the car and strapped it in carefully. They left and talked on the way to the other house.

"If Teresa tries to touch Brooklyn, and you're holding her, just move away from her. I don't want her to even breath on her. I know I'm being harsh and all, but I don't care. You know how nasty she is." Sam nodded.

"I was already planning on doing that." He said, and she smiled at him. When they got there, there were a lot of cars in the yard and on the side of the road. Brenda went on in while Sam got Brooklyn out of the car seat instead of taking it in.

"Where's the baby?" Aunt Florence asked after she hugged her.

"Sam is getting her out of the car seat. He'll be in in a minute."

"Oh, well, you look great! You don't even look like you had a baby!" Brenda smiled.

"Thank you." Teresa walked over to her, doing her stupid, nasty looking dance.

"Look at you, eh?"


"You look a lot different."

"That's because you haven't seen me in ten years." She said, rolling her eyes."Whereas you still look the same, which isn't shocking." She said, going over to the door and opening it for Sam.

"Thanks baby." He said, and kissed her on the lips.

"Ooh, he's cute." Teresa said, having never met Sam. He looked at Brenda, who glared at her.

"Shut up."

"Well, he is! Why didn't you invite me to your wedding?"

"Why do you think?" Teresa just laughed and walked over to Donna. Brenda sighed and looked at Sam. He held Brooklyn on his shoulder with one hand and wrapped his other arm around Brenda and kissed her head.

"If you want to leave at any time, just tell me, and we'll go." She nodded. She smiled at the rest of her family, and took Brooklyn from him, cradling her in her arms. They all surrounded her, gushing over Brooklyn.

"She is so adorable! She looks like Sam." Amanda said.

"He thinks that's the most amazing thing too." She said, letting Florence hold her. By the time all of the members of the family held her, she was starting to get squirmy, and when Tony was holding her, Teresa looked at her and when Brooklyn saw Teresa, her bottom lip poked out and she started wailing. Teresa tried to pick her up, but Brenda took her from Tony before she could.

"Seriously? You're acting like you used too. I told you you'd be a bad mother." When Sam heard her say that, he got mad. He walked over to Brenda, and said,


"I'm older than you, you can't tell me what to do, Honey-"

"Does it look like I care? Get the hell out, now. I'll even freaking pay for you a damn hotel room. I don't want you anywhere near my wife, or my daughter, now get the hell out." He said harshly. She looked like she wanted to say something, but when she saw the look on his face, she immediately left, going who knows where. Sam took the still wailing Brooklyn from Brenda and she started calming down. He rubbed her back gently until she was just making small sounds.

"That's what I mean, mama." Brenda said, looking at her mom.

"I tried to get her to change her mind, but she wouldn't. I told her what would end up happening, and now it has. I'm sorry about her."

"It's not your fault, Donna." Sam said, looking at her. She smiled slightly at him. Brenda rubbed Sam's back, knowing he was still mad about what happened. They sat down on the couch beside each other. Sam put Brooklyn on his legs. He put his finger on her paci so she wouldn't spit it out again.

"Her face is so red." Sandy said, cuddling into Sam's side. He put his free arm around her, and said,

"I think the reason why she started crying like that is because she got scared of that....woman." He said. Brenda started laughing along with the rest of the family."I'm serious, I wanted to start crying when she got close to me." He said, shivering visibly, making them laugh again.

"You have no idea, Sam. At least you didn't have to see her almost everyday for 15 years." Brenda said. He nodded.

"You ain't lying."

"So, how old is she now?" Uncle Jennings asked.

"She's a month and six days old." Sam answered.

"What's her whole name?" Beth asked.

"Brooklyn Harmony Evans." Brenda answered, putting her head on Sam's shoulder.

"Pretty name." A few minutes later, Mary yelled Sam's name from upstairs, and then her and Dwight came downstairs in their jackets as if they were going somewhere.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Chord and Mercedes are at the hospital."Mary said, putting her shoes on.


"She went into labor and they're going to have to deliver the babies today, like, right now, and Chord is completely freaking out."

"Oh my god, I-Can I ride with you two then?" He asked. They nodded.

"Just hurry up." Sam looked at Brenda. She looked worried too.

"Go, Sam. I'll stay here with Brooklyn. Just let me know what happens." He nodded and gave Brooklyn to her, kissing her on the lips. He put his jacket on and waved to everyone, then followed his parents out the door, not knowing what to expect when they got there.

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