4: New Years Eve

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Thursday, December 31st, 2020

"So, how far along are you now?"Quinn asked Brenda.

"19 weeks." She answered.

"Have you found out the gender yet?" Tina asked.

"Not yet, Blaine and Kurt are going to the doctor with me Tuesday to find out the gender."

"Sam doesn't go?" Kitty asked.

"No, I mean, it's not his baby, but he think it's best if they go with me."

"You don't want him to go?" Rachel asked.

"Well yeah, I want him to go, but I don't want it to be weird for him." She answered. She jumped when Sam wrapped his arms around her shoulders.

"It's not weird to me." He said, kissing her cheek."If you want me to go, tell me, and if Kurt and Blaine don't care, I'll go."

"Really?" She asked, smiling brightly.

"Of course." He kissed her on the lips. When they pulled back, she whispered in his ear. He made a face but nodded."You weird woman." He said, going in their kitchen and getting a jar of peanut butter, pickles, and mustard. He gave it to her and went in the living room with the guys. Brenda started eating the three things together, and the girls who had never been pregnant or had weird cravings looked at her disgusted.

"That's nasty."

"Shut up, wait til you get pregnant, you'll have weird cravings too." Brenda said, glaring playfully at the girls.

"Girls! Come in here for a moment!" Kurt yelled from the living room. Brenda got up slowly, rubbing her growing stomach, and going into the living room with the boys. She sat beside Sam, who put his arm around her. The news was on, talking about her Twitter post about her pregnancy the other day.

"Brenda Jackson announced on Monday that she is expecting, and she is five months pregnant. Here's the catch-It's not her long time boyfriend, Sam Evans, baby. She is the surrogate for their really close friends, Kurt and Blaine Anderson, who got married a few months ago, after gay marriage was legal in all states. Evans is apparently excited for them, and doesn't mind that Jackson is having his best friends baby. More information on them soon."

"Man, why they gotta say it like that?" Sam asked no one in particular.

"Annoying ass people, that's who." Brenda grumbled. Sam rubbed her arm.


11:55 PM

"Five minutes until the new year!" Puck yelled, running around the room. No one was drinking since a lot of them had kids, and because Brenda couldn't drink.

"I'm just happy I have a good excuse to not drink. That shit is nasty." Brenda said, shaking her head. The girls laughed. Soon, everyone got with their significant partner, and when the ball dropped on TV, everyone kissed, and Brenda accidentally bit Sam's lip when they were kissing.

"What's wrong?" He asked, causing everyone to look their way. She had her hands on her stomach, a weird look on her face.

"The baby kicked." She said, looking up at him."He or she is still kicking." Brenda said, grabbing his hand and putting it on the spot where the baby was kicking.

"That feels weird."

"Says you." Sam laughed and kissed her forehead gently, then sat on the couch, beginning to play a game on his phone while Kurt and Blaine gushed over the baby kicking with the girls. A little while later, almost everyone had left except for Kurt and Blaine, who were curled up together on one couch, while Sam was lying on the long part of the other couch, and Brenda was lying on her side on the other end, her head in his lap.

"She wore herself out tonight." Sam said, looking at her, playing with her hair.

"Yeah...And Sam, we don't mind you going to the doctor's appointments with us. Especially since she wants you to go."

"The only reason I haven't, is because I didn't know if she or you two wanted me to come. I mean, it is one of you's kids, and I didn't want to intrude."

"You wouldn't be intruding, Sam. You're technically family, maybe we're not blood related, but we're family." Kurt said.

"And we want you to go. I mean, it's gonna be like this baby is gonna have three dads and a mom, only two of the dads are gay." Blaine said, trying to be funny. Kurt raised an eyebrow and Sam chuckled lightly.

"You two are so weird." Kurt said, sort of loudly. Brenda whined and sat up. Then she leaned back on Sam's shoulder, barely able to keep her eyes open.

"Come on sleeping beauty, time for you to get some rest." Sam said, glancing at the time, seeing that it was 2 AM. She moaned.

"Will you carry me?" She asked sleepily. Sam laughed and stood up, picking her up easily.

"You two can just go stay in one of the guest rooms, and if you leave, make sure you lock the front door with your key I gave you."

"Okay, goodnight."

"Goodnight! How about don't be having sex in my living room."


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