52: Meeting The Family

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Wednesday, February 14th, 2024

10 AM

Mercedes POV

"How are you two doing today?" Dr. Lynda asked, coming into the room we were in.

"We're good. You?" I asked.

"I'm good as well. I delivered a baby already today." She said, smiling widely at us. Chord looked at me and raised an eyebrow."Have you heard from your brother today?" She asked him.

"Actually. No, I haven't." He said, confused.

"Oh, okay. Well, lets get the show on the road!" She said, and turn the light off. She put the gel on my stomach and soon, we saw the baby."Huh."

"What? Is something wrong?" Chord asked worriedly.

"No, everything is fine. Looks like you two are having twins again. Do you want to know the genders?" We smiled at each other.

"Of course."

"You two are the proud parents of two little girls." I awed quietly. Chord helped me wipe the gel off and he kissed me on the lips.

"Congratulations on the girls, and congratulations on you're beautiful little niece, Brooklyn."

"Who?" Chord asked confused. I started thinking. And realized that that was what Brenda wanted to name the baby. I started tapping Chord on the shoulder until he looked at me.

"I think she means Sam and Brenda's baby." His eyes widened and we looked at her for confirmation. She nodded.

"She had her around 8:40 this morning."

"What? Why didn't he call and tell me?" Chord asked, pouting.

"They probably forgot, Chord. She went into labor early this morning."


"I can take you to their room if you'd like?" She suggested. We both nodded and she led us to the maternity ward. She knocked lightly on the door and opened it, saying quietly,

"Look who I found." Brenda looked up at us, shocked at first, but then she smiled. Dr. Lynda left again, closing the door quietly. Sam was asleep in the recliner next to the bed. Brenda was holding the small pink bundle. We walked over to her, on the opposite side so we didn't bother Sam, and I started fanning my face.

"I'm sorry. She's so adorable!" I exclaimed quietly.

"Do you want to hold her?" Brenda asked. I nodded. I took her from Brenda and sat on the couch beside Chord.

"What's her full name?" I asked.

"Brooklyn Harmony Evans." She said. I awed again.

"She's beautiful. Looks like Sam."

"You technically just called me beautiful, you know." Sam said, stretching out in the chair. Chord rolled his eyes.

"We didn't wake you up, did we?" Brenda asked. He shook his head.

"Nah. I thought I had to sneeze and it woke me up. How'd you two know we were here anyway?" He asked, getting up and sitting beside Brenda.

"I had a doctor's appointment today, to find out the genders and Lynda told us." I answered.

"Oh." He said."Wait, genders?"

"It's twins again." Chord said.

"Two girls this time!"I said happily.

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