46: Baby Shower

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Saturday, October 7th, 2023

22 weeks & 6 days (5 months, 2 weeks, & 6 days)

"Surprise!" Everyone yelled as Sam and Brenda walked into their house. Sam knew about t, but Brenda didn't, and it scared the piss out of her, literally.

"Oh my god!" She exclaimed, hiding her face in Sam's arm, either laughing or crying."Sam?"

"What? He asked.

"I kind of just, peed my pants a little." She whispered. He snorted.

"We'll be back down in a minute." Sam said, walking behind her up the stairs so no one would see. She changed and walked back down stairs with Sam.

"You guys didn't have to do this." Brenda told them.

"Actually, Kurt, your mom, my mom, and Stacy planned it." Sam said.

"You knew?"

"Maybe." He said cheekily. She slapped his arm lightly and hugged Mary, Donna, Kurt, and Stacy. When her and Stacy hugged, they both started laughing.

"What?" Sam asked as everyone sat down.

"Both of the babies kicked when we hugged."Brenda said, looking at him. A few seconds later, she put his hand on her belly, where the baby was kicking. He smiled.

"So, what do you want to do first?" Kurt asked. Brenda looked at him seriously.

"Eat. That's all I want to do right now."She told him, making everyone laugh.

"What do you two want?" Kurt asked Sam and Brenda, telling them what there was to eat.

"I can get it, Kurt." Sam said, starting to get up. Kurt pointed at him, then at the chair he'd been sitting in.

"Do not get up. This is celebrating you and Brenda's unborn daughter, so, tell me what you want and I'll get it." He told them. Sam raised an eyebrow and sat back down.

"Fine then, I didn't want to get up anyway." Sam said, making everyone laugh. They told him what they wanted and when they got their food, everyone got up to get their own.

"How are you feeling?" Brenda asked Stacy.

"Like 'bleh' most of the time."She said.

"You're having a boy right?" She asked and Stacy nodded."That's probably why then." Stacy pouted and Brenda laughed. A little while later, Brenda made a face.

"You alright?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, heart burn."

"I bet that baby is gonna have a head full of hair."Mary said." Especially if she's anything like Sam." Sam grinned.

"If she's anything like me, she'll be born with no hair what-so-ever." Brenda said.

"Her dad and I thought she'd never have hair."Donna said. Brenda smiled slightly, then frowned. She stood up slowly and carefully went up stairs without saying anything to anyone.

"What's up with her?" Puck asked stupidly.

"She's been thinking a lot about her dad lately, and being pregnant doesn't help anything." Sam said, standing up and following her up stairs. She was sitting on one of the chairs, looking down at her hands, crying. He sat beside her and put an arm around her.

"I'm sorry, it's just the hormones and I miss my dad." She cried quietly, burying her head in his chest.

"It's okay baby, you don't have to apologize." He told her rubbing her arm. A few minutes later, after she stopped crying, she sat up and looked at his shirt.

"I got makeup on your shirt." She said.

"It's alright, B. You okay now?" She nodded." Alright, go get cleaned up. I'll change my shirt and put this one in the wash." She nodded and went in the bathroom while he went down stairs.

"Is she alright?" Donna asked. Sam nodded and pulled his shirt over his head and put it in the washing machine.

"She was crying, got makeup on my shirt, thought I was mad at her for it, but I'm not, and almost started crying again. She's fixing her makeup now." He said, standing in the doorway of the laundry room, still shirtless.

"Looks like someone's been working out again." Santana said, wiggling her eyebrows. He laughed and put on a black T-shirt. His abs were back and look better than ever.

"He started working out the exact same day his doctor said he could." Brenda said, coming back down the stairs. She sat on the couch and Sam sat next to her.

"Present time!" Kurt exclaimed, and everyone started stacking presents in front of them. And there are a lot.

"Wow." Brenda said, shocked.

"That's a lot of presents." Sam said. Brenda nodded and looked at him, grinning. They opened presents and talked to everyone, and Brenda cried with some of them. There were a bunch of baby diapers, pink, white, purple, yellow, and light blue onsie's that said 'I love my daddy' or 'I love mommy', etc, as well as adorable little dresses and outfits. When Brenda picked up Puck' present, she looked at him and said,

"If this is a damn box of condoms, I will slap the serious shit out of you." She said, and the kids 'scolded' her for cussing.

"It's a little to late for him to wear a condom, you're already pregnant." Puck said. Sam thumped him on the forehead."Ow, dang, just open it!" Brenda snorted and opened it. There were two smaller boxes inside with her name on top of one, and Sam's on the other.

"Really?" Brenda asked sarcastically.

"Yeah, open it. And you better be nice to me because I worked really hard on those presents." He said giddily. They shook their heads at him and opened them. Brenda's was a phone case that had her and Sam's name on it, and an ultrasound covering pretty much the whole case, that had 'It's a girl!' above the baby. Sam's was a chain with two dog tags in it. The front of one had their names on it, along with the day, month, and year they got married. The other side was blank. One side was blank on the other one as well, and the other side had the most resent ultrasound picture on it. They were both shocked, but loved it. Brenda started crying and hugged Puck, and then Sam hugged him, not just a 'man-hug' but a full out brotherly hug. They sat back down and Brenda fanned her face.

"I'm surprised, but I love it." Brenda said. Sam hadn't really said anything."What do you think about yours, Sam?" He looked up from it, a hug grin on his face.

"Freaking awesome." Puck grinned and fist bumped him.

"When she's born, you can put her name and date of birth on the back of whichever one you want, and then get a picture of her and give it to me, and I'll go have the picture and the name put on the back of them." Puck told Sam." I can get her name on the case too." He told Brenda, who smiled.

"That's even better, Puck. Thanks, seriously."Sam said.

"It's the least I could do, since I almost got you kil-"

"Don't finish that sentence, Puckerman."

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