18: Migraines

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Sunday, November 7th, 2021

4 PM

5 days before Brittana's wedding

Rachel, Finn, Santana, Brittany, Puck, Quinn, Kurt, and Blaine were sitting in the living room of Sam and Brenda's house.

"Where's Sam?" Finn asked.

"He's up stairs in the bed." Brenda said tiredly.

"This late in the day?" Santana asked.

"He's had a headache-no, more like a migraine-since he woke up this morning. They happen every once in a while."

"When did they start happening?" Quinn asked.

"He had them while he was in the hospital, but they started after he woke up."

"I remember one day I was with him when he made you go home, and he had one. It hurt hurt im so bad he was crying." Brittany said.

"That's pretty much what he's doing now."

"What? Crying?" Puck asked.

"Yeah, I told him that crying wasn't helping him, and he got mad so I came down here. I wasn't trying to piss him off, its the truth." The others agreed.

"Has he talked to his doctor about it?" Rachel asked.

"Yeah, he gave him something for it, but it doesn't help."

"Do you think Mary has something he could take? I had a really bad headache one time and she gave me something for it and it helped a lot." Kurt said.

"But everyone thought you were high." Blaine said.

"That would actually explain a lot." Finn said, making everyone laugh. After a few seconds of silence, there was a knock on the door. Brenda made a face and got up. She opened the door and Mary was there.

"Sam called me." She told Brenda, who had had a confused look on her face. She nodded and let her it. She went upstairs to Sam and Brenda's room while Brenda went back in the living room. Mary knocked lightly on the door and then opened it. He was sitting up, his head between his knees. She sat beside him and rubbed his back. He sat up and looked at her.

"Is it still hurting?" She asked, already knowing that it was, just by the look on his face. He nodded. She put her hand on his forehead and it was hot. The pillows and sheet he'd been laying on earlier were soaking wet from him sweating."I have something for you to take. I'm going to go get you some water to take it with." He nodded again.

"Will you get Brenda too?" He asked quietly.

"Of course." She stood up and downstairs. Everyone looked at her."He wants you to go up there with me, Brenda. And he has a fever and you should probably wash your bed sheets and all, he's been sweating a lot on them." Brenda nodded and quickly went upstairs. Mary followed quickly after with a cup of water. Sam was still sitting up on the bed, a weird look on his face.

"What's wrong?" Brenda asked, sitting on the bed across from him, the part that wasn't soaking wet from sweat.

"I feel....disgusting." He said. Mary handed him the cup of water and a small blue pill.

"It's what grandma Evans used to give you kids when you hurt yourselves."

"Is it safe?"

"I wouldn't give it to him if it wasn't." Brenda stuck her tongue out at her playfully. Sam took the pill quickly and drank the whole cup of water."But it will either make him really tired, or he'll act insane. It used to make him fall asleep within ten minutes, but I don't know about now." She said.

"I freaking hope so." Sam said quietly, crawling to the end of the bed and standing up. He too his shirt off and threw it in the hamper, and looked down at his stomach. The scar was very visible, and so was the fact that his abs were disappearing from not being able to work out. He sighed and sat on the edge of the bed. Mary got up and left the room to give them some privacy. Brenda put her hand on his shoulder."I'm so disgusting." He mumbled. She stood up and knelt in front of him.

"Sam, no you're not. Why do you think that?"

"Because I have scars all over me and I've been a damn mess since the accident. I just hate my self." Tears came to her eyes when she heard him say that.

"Everyone has scars, Sam. You can't help that you got hurt. Everything happens for a reason, and it's made you stronger. You can walk, you can run, you can probably still dance, even if you haven't tried. You're not disgusting just because you have scars or because you're abs are fading. As soon as Dr. Miller says you can, you can start working out. Just don't hate yourself, Sam. I love you, you're family loves you, everyone loves

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