61: Adopting?

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Chord didn't get a chance to apologize to Sam, since he'd gone back home to Brenda and Brooklyn, who is a little over two months old now. He went to the NICU with just his mom this time, and Dr. Lynda stopped them from putting on the outer where.

"It's about time they start getting skin to skin contact." She told him, smiling.

"Does that mean what I think it means?" He asked. She nodded, leading them to the back of the NICU, where the twins were.

"They're both over five pounds now, almost six. Their lungs are fully developed and have been breathing on their own for the last couple of hours, since the last time you came and saw them. I took all of the tubes out of their noses, mouths, and feet, meaning you can pick them up and walk around with them. You can even feed them now." She said.

"Thank you god."

Meanwhile, at Sam and Brenda's house

"Hey baby, I thought you were going to stay longer." Brenda said, seeing Sam walk in with Josie. He put her on the floor and she went to the room she was staying in to play with her toys.

"I was, but he was being an ass hole again."

"He's stressed, Sam."

"I know, but he barely even talked to Josie." He said, running his hand through his hair. She smiled at him sadly and rubbed his arm. He picked Brooklyn up and sat back down beside Brenda. A few minutes later, the doorbell rang and they looked at each other. Brenda stood up and answered the door. Standing there was Kelly Jackson, Kelsey standing beside her, the both of them holding a baby. Kelly had a bandanna on her head, a diaper bag thrown across her shoulder.

"Hey!" Brenda exclaimed, hugging the two."Who are these little cuties?"

"Justin and Janessa. They're 9 months old." She said.

"Come in." She said, and shut the door behind them. Sam stood up, holding Brooklyn with one arm and walked into the hallway, surprised to see them.

"Hey!" He said, hugging them."Hey squirt." He said, messing with Kelsey's hair. She glared at him playfully. They sat in the living room.

"Not to be rude, but why are you guys here? Although I'm happy to see you." Brenda asked.

"Um, I wanted to ask you guys a very big favor. It's not for me, but it's for my kids." She said nervously. Sam and Brenda looked at each other.

"What is it?"

"Their father left me after he found out I was having twins, and I found out recently that he...you know, croaked." She said."And both of my parents have passed, and pretty much all of my family have disowned me and I don't have many relatives to begin with. You two are the only people I trust with this, and I know you're both busy people and already have a daughter." She stopped talking, beginning to get emotional.Brenda sat beside her and wrapped an arm around her, looking at Sam, the both of them knowing it was serious.

"What's going on?" Sam asked.

"I-I have cancer."

"What kind?"

"It's stage four breast cancer. I found out recently and my doctor told me that I don't have long. I know I don't, and I don't want my children to be in a orphanage."

"Kelly I...." Brenda started, trailing off. She looked at Sam.

"What can we do? Whatever you need, we'll try our best to do." Sam said, getting even more worried.

"Can you two adopt them? Like I said, I don't trust anyone else to take care of them. And you have always been more of a father to Kelsey than her real father has, Sam." Kelsey nodded in agreement.

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