40: 8 Months later

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(No, the title '8 months later' doesn't mean that Brenda is pregnant, at least, not yet anyway.)

Friday, May 19th, 2023

Little Santiago Sebastian Lopez is three weeks old today, and he looks more and more like Sam every day. He was born on May 5th, and yep, Sam was there. Today, everyone is at Sam and Brenda's house. Here's what's happened over the last couple of months: Kitty and Artie got married and had a set of twins; Kyle and Anna, who are 2 months old. Unique and Hunter had a little girl (by surrogate) named Haley, who is 4 months old. Ryder and Melody got married and had a set of twins named Rebecca and Ranae, who are 3 months old. Jake and Marley also had a set of twins, who are named Maddie and Matthew, and they're 4 months old. Rachel and Finn had a little boy last month, and he's now a month old. Rachel had a lot of complications with that pregnancy, so she had to get her tubes tied, which she was sad about. Stacy and Nick are still together, and he gave her a promise ring. Stevie and Elizabeth got married when she was 6 months pregnant, and three months later she gave birth to a healthy, 7 pound baby girl who they names Stephanie Michelle Evans.

As for Sam and Brenda, they've had no luck in the baby department. They've been trying for a baby, but no luck.

"So, are you preggers yet?" Santana asked.

"Sadly, no, not yet. We've been trying for a few months now, I just hope nothing is wrong, with either of us." She said, looking down.

"It'll happen when it's meant to happen, sweetie." Donna said, patting her daughter on the shoulder.

"I know, but it sucks that everyone else has kids except for me and Sam. Together at least. Even my twin brother has a baby on the way." Kevin and Molly had gotten married a few months ago.

"Sounds like you have baby fever." Quinn told her, rubbing her stomach. She's six months along with a baby boy.

"I do, there's so many adorable babies here right now!" She said, standing up and taking Santiago out of his bassinet next to Santana."And this little boy right here has to be the cutest one." She said, looking down at him, his little light brown eyes shining up at her with happiness. She gave him to Santana so he could be fed, and she felt Sam's arms wrap around her.

"Hopefully soon, baby." He whispered to her. Michael, who is three years old now, ran up to Sam and bit his leg." Ow, Mike stop teaching that dang youngin to be a damn ninja dude, it's not working very well!" Sam exclaimed, picking the little boy up and scolding him as he walked back into the living room. The girls giggled quietly. Chase wobbled his way into the kitchen, going to Mercedes and repeating,

"Up! Up! Up!" She smiled and picked him up.

"Where's daddy?" Chase pointed towards the living room, where Chord was coming into the kitchen. All of the girls started laughing.

"That kid right there, is a little devil, I swear." He said, going to the sink and scrubbing all of the marker 'drawings' off his face. Chase giggled cutely. Chord picked him up and started kissing him all over his face while he squealed.


Thursday, June 8th, 2023

"Stacy Marie Evans, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" Nick asked, getting down on one knee in the middle of the living room at Sam and Brenda's house after graduation. Everyone, the Evans and O'Neils, were shocked, especially Stacy. With tears in her eyes, she nodded multiple times and let him put the ring on her finger. He stood up and kissed her, then hugged her, spinning her around. Watching them spinning made Brenda get sort of nauseous, but she let it go, since it passed quickly. Sam was smiling sadly, even though he already knew about it.

"What I miss?" Santana asked, coming in and handing something to Brenda without no one noticing.

"Nick just proposed to Stacy." Brenda told her.

"I love the ring, Nicky." Stacy said, admiring it.

"Sam helped me pick it out." Stacy looked at Nick, then at Sam, who grinned at her. No one noticed Brenda slip upstairs.


"Yep. I knew about him proposing before anyone else."

"That's because I'm kind of scared of you." Nick said sheepishly.

"Good." Nick's eyes widened. Sam laughed and hugged the two." I'm kidding, but congratulations. I told you that she'd say yes." Five minutes later, there was a scream from upstairs. It was Brenda. Sam started to go upstairs to her, but she came down, squealing happily as she threw herself in his arms.

"Whoa, what is going on baby?" He asked. She squealed again.

"Baby, that's it!"She said, jumping up and down."I'm pregnant!" She exclaimed. His confused face immediately turned into a happy one as he picked her up and spun her around, putting her on the ground and kissing her. Everyone started congratulating them, and Brenda could barely contain her happiness.

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