22: Overstreet Baby Round 2!

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Friday, December 17th, 2021

At Chord and Mercedes apartment in Ohio

"Chord!" Mercedes called, walking in the door of their apartment.

"What?" He called back.

"Where are you?"

"Living room." She went in the living room and saw him laying on the couch, Josie sitting up on his chest, letting her play with his hands. She smiled and took a picture of them. Josie held her hands up to Mercedes and started repeating,

"Mama! Mama! Mama!" Mercedes laughed and picked her curly haired daughter up. Chord sat up and she sat beside him.

"What have you two been doing today?" Mercedes asked.

"Me and Sam took her, Savannah, and Shawn to get ice cream and then went Christmas shopping."

"Cool, did you have fun?"

"Yeah, except for when Shawn started hitting Savannah and made her cry."

"Awe, did he apologize?"

"He said, and I quote, 'I sowwy'." She laughed."What'd you do today?"

"I went Christmas shopping too, and I went to the doctor."

"The doctor? Are you sick or something?"

"No, I'm not sick, Chordie."She said, smiling at him."You know how I've been gaining a little bit of weight and feeling sick in the mornings?" He nodded."Well, how do you feel about being a daddy again?"She asked. His eyes widened.

"You're pregnant?"

"15 weeks." She said. He hugged her tightly, and she hugged him back.

"I squished mama an daddy!" Josie squealed. They let each other go, but Chord kept his arms wrapped around them.

"That's awesome baby."

"I know, but wait til you hear this."


"It's twins."

"Are you serious?" He asked. She nodded and he kissed her."That's even awesome-er."

"That's not a word." She laughed.

"It is today!" He picked Josie up and looked at her."Do you want to be a big sister?"

"Baby?" She asked confused.

"Yeah, mama has two babies in her belly." He told her, and she squealed and clapped her hands.


At Sam and Brenda's House

The whole Evans Family, Brenda, Chord, Mercedes, Josie, and Mercedes parents Tommy and Andrea, and her older brother TJ, are at Sam and Brenda's house so that Mercedes and Chord could tell them the news. After everyone was done eating, and sitting in the living room,

"Don't you two have to tell us something?" Andrea asked.

"Um, yeah." Mercedes said. Her and Chord stood up and he picked Josie up.

"You want to help us tell them?" He asked Josie. She nodded cutely and he grinned. He put her on the floor and she stood in front of Mercedes and pointed at her stomach.

"Babies!" She squealed, and then held her arms up to Chord, who picked her up again.

"You're pregnant?" Mary asked excitedly. Mercedes nodded.

"Twins this time. I found out this morning." She said happily. Everyone started congratulating them and hugging them.

"How far along are you?" Brenda asked.

"15 weeks."

"So three months and three weeks?" Stevie asked confused.

"Wow, you actually got it right!" Sam said sarcastically.

"Shut the hell up."

"Watch your mouth Steven." Dwight said. Sam snorted."Samuel."

"Pillow kisser." Dwight glared at him, causing him to laugh.

"Just wait until you have a son, Sam. I hope he annoys you just as much as you annoy me." He said sarcastically.

"No, I'll be the one getting on his nerves and yours."

"I'm just happy that I won't be pregnant at your wedding."

"When's your due date?" Brenda asked.

"May 20th."

"That's exactly three months before the wedding."

"So you two have finally settled on a date?" Mercedes asked.

"August 20th."

"I know Kurt is excited."

"Hell, I am too!"

"You're just looking forward to the Honeymoon." TJ said, messing with them."Because that's what Chord was looking for, and nine months later, here comes my niece!"

"Shut up TJ." Sam, Brenda, Chord, and Mercedes said in sync.

"Just kidding." He said, raising his hands in the air. Josie walked over to him, smacked his knee as hard as she could, which wasn't hard, and stuck her tongue out at him, then went back to Chord. He picked her up and kissed her cheek.

"That's my girl."

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