9: Nashville Storms

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Wednesday, May 26th, 2021

"You having fun?" Brenda asked Sam over the phone. He was in Nashville for a family reunion, and she was unable to go since tomorrow is her due date. He didn't want to go, but she made him.

"No." He said, and she could hear the pout in his voice."I wish you were here, and John keeps annoying me and Chord. He keeps on making Josie cry he's so ugly." He said. Brenda laughed."Seriously. Every time she looks at him she starts crying. He's already gotten punched five times. Three of the times by me." Sam said, and then a loud clap of thunder."Oh, did I mention that there is a major storm going on right now?" He asked, watching as the dark sky lit up with lightning.

"Is everyone okay?"

"Yeah, but my grandparents aren't letting anyone leave until it blows over, but it doesn't look like that's happening for a while. It's pouring down rain, thundering, and lightning real bad. How are you feeling?" He asked. He put the phone on speaker, letting everyone listen.

"I am dead tired. This kid just loves to kick me. I swear, it seems like it's Kurt's instead of Blaine, because he kicks really hard too. And sometimes it hurts." She said.

"Hey!" Kurt exclaimed.

"It's true! Be happy you're not a girl. Because being a girl sucks royally sometimes."She said, smacking him with a pillow.

"Did you just hit him with a pillow?" Sam asked, laughing.

"Yes, yes I did. I'm hitting Blaine too, even though he hasn't said anything."

"Hey, that's my job." Sam said, making her laugh." What've you been doing all day?"

"Hang on." She sent him a picture of her, Bella, and Brandi laying in their bed, watching TV, with Kurt sitting beside her. Blaine had taken the picture. Sam laughed."That's all I've been doing today. I've been feeling really really weird all day. My stomach has been tightening up, but it doesn't hurt." Mary sat beside Sam.

"Those are braxton hicks, sweetie. They're sort of like practice contractions."

"Oh." Brenda said quietly. The whole Evans Family heard her sniff."I really wish you were here, Sam."

"I know, I didn't want to leave you." He said, tears coming to his eyes. He could tell that she was crying."You'll be alright though, baby. I promise. We don't even know if you'll have the baby before I get back, okay?"

"Okay. I'm really scared though." She said.

"I know it's scary, baby. Kurt and Blaine will be with you if anything happens, and so will Donna. You know that I'd be there in a split second if I could."

"I know. I'm tired. I'll call you later or in the morning." She said."I love you."

"I love you too." She hung up and Sam stood up, putting his phone on the table, and went in the kitchen. He sat at the kitchen table by himself, his hands hiding his face as he cried silently. Everyone could still see him, since the kitchen and living room were attached. Dwight followed him and sat next to him, rubbing his shoulder.

"She'll be okay, Sam. She's a strong girl, you know that."

"She's so scared, dad. You could hear it in her voice. I should be with her." He said, his voice cracking.

"I know Sam. But like you said, she might not have the baby for a few more days. Not all babies come on the due date. You of all people should know that, considering you and Chord were born 2 months or so early." Sam shook his head at his dad and wiped his face. Coughing slightly, and then looking straight ahead for a few seconds.

"I'm going to bed. I'll see y'all in the morning." Sam said quietly, going upstairs. Stacy followed him, and he knew she was behind him. He left the door open, and he sat on his bed. She sat beside him and hugged him.

"She's gonna be okay, Sammy." She told him, and let him cry into her shoulder. It's usually him comforting her, but now she's comforting him."Can I stay in here with you? You know I'm scared of thunder storms." Sam wiped his eyes and nodded. She went into the room she'd been staying in and changed into her bed clothes, which was a big T-shit and shorts. She cuddled into Sam's side and he put his arms around her."You smell good." She said, sniffing his neck. He laughed.

"This is the cologne you got me for my birthday."

"Seriously? I knew it smelled good, but not this good." He laughed again. After a few minutes of silence, he said,

"You really need to shave your legs, Stace."

"You know what, Sam? Shut up." She said, slapping his arm. He laughed. They fell asleep a little while later, him laying on his right side with her pushed up against his back because she was scared, and a little cold.

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