17: All I Want Is You

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Monday, October 11th, 2021

"Sam Evans has reportedly got all of the feeling back in his legs, also able to walk again, with help from friends and family. We are happy to hear that he is getting better, but the question is-Will he ever be able to dance again?" The news reporter said and the TV clicked off. Sam, whose been having an off day all day long, managed to stand up and slowly went up stairs. Brenda sighed and ran a hand through her hair, following him up. A few minutes later, she came back down.

"He told me that he wanted to be alone." She said sitting on the couch, picking a four month old Benny up.

"Has he said anything about dancing or anything?" Mike asked.

"No, but I know he thinks about it all the time. He loves dancing almost as much as he loves singing."

"I'd be glad to help him out when he thinks he can do it." Mike said. Brenda smiled.

"Me too." Jake suggested.

"No, I don't want your ass anywhere near him when he learns to dance again."She said, glaring at him.


"Because you're an idiot, Jake." Puck said seriously." You don't think before you speak. I was the same way a long time ago, but you need to grow up and learn to think about what you're about to do and/or say." He said smartly. Everyone was shocked. To break the ice, Brenda said,

"Hope y'all don't mind me feeding Benny. Just saying." She said, covering her chest up and beginning to feed him. Everyone laughed.

"Why don't you bring Sam to Glee club Wednesday? They want to sing something to him." Rachel said.

"Maybe, Wednesday is our 7th Anniversary." Brenda told her.

"Wow, that's a long time."Mercedes told her. She nodded.

"Have you guys talked your wedding any?" Quinn asked.

"Not a lot, because of...you know, but we decided that we want it outside, sometime in August."

"Does it occur to him that he'll be 24 by then?" Santana asked.

"Yeah, so? I'll be 24 in September." Brenda said.

"I was just saying because you two are some of the few people who have waited until now to get married."

"There's nothing wrong with it, Santana. We've had a lot of stuff going on, you know that." She said, rolling her eyes.

"I know, I'm not trying to be a bitch about it-what the hell Sam?" She asked, and everyone turned towards the stairs, where Sam was leaning against the railing, trying not to laugh.

"What's so funny?" Brenda asked.

"My niece is clinging to my leg right now." He said, looking down at Josie who was grinning up at him. He leaned down and picked her up, coming down the stairs as if he'd never been paralyzed. Almost everyone had an eyebrow raised at him."What's with the eyebrows y'all?" He asked, putting her in Chord's lap and going in the kitchen.

"Just last week, you could barely even walk up and down stairs without help, but now you're just walking around like nothing ever even happened." Brittany said. Sam shrugged and took out a spoon and ice cream. He got a spoon full and put it in his mouth, putting the ice cream back in the freezer. He put the spoon in the sink and sat beside Brenda on the couch, crossing his ankles. She hugged him with one of her arms since she was still feeding Benny. He hugged her back, kissing her head.

"What do you want to do Wednesday?" He asked. She shrugged.

"I don't know, what do you want to do?" She asked. He shrugged and she laughed.

"I don't know, but all I know, is Chord has to go pick you know what up tomorrow."

"I know, I know, dang. I haven't forgot."

"You did last time."

"I know, I remember what happened last time." Sam laughed. Sam burped Benny while Brenda fixed her shirt.

"Pick what up?" Brenda asked. Sam and Chord looked at each other.

"Um something." Sam answered.

"I know that, Sam, but what?"

"It's something for you, that's all I'm gonna say." He told her. She pouted but nodded.

"You don't need to get me anything for our anniversary, Sam. You've already built me a house, two 'engagement tings', a promise ring, and so much more. All I need is you." She said. He smiled and kissed her head.

"I love you, but I'm still getting you something for our anniversary." She groaned.

"Fine then, what do you want me to get you?"

"Nothing. I have everything I want."

"And what is that?"

"You, of course." She started tearing up, and kissed him.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

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