29: Partys & Bridal Shower

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Saturday, August 6th, 2022

"And why, pray tell, did you two decide to have a Bachelorette and bachelor party?" Santana asked.

"Because I don't trust most of the boys, and I'm not about to even risk Sam having to deal with strippers."Brenda told them.

"And I don't trust Santana and Kitty enough to not invite male strippers unless it's me." Sam said, and high fived Brenda.

"Well, you have to play the games we want you to play then." Puck said.

"And don't you still have you're Bridal shower?"Quinn asked.

"Isn't that supposed to be before now?" Brittany asked. Sam and Brenda shrugged.

"So?" They asked.


5 hours later

"Okay, now we're going to play a game that I can't remember the name of," A drunk Santana said,"Where we drink a shot if we did what someone asked." Everyone laughed at her and grabbed a shot glass. After all of the glasses were full, Puck asked,

"Whose ever gotten a blow job?" Sam, Puck, and Artie drank their shots.

"Seriously?" Finn asked Sam. Sam, laughing like he's insane, nodded.

"And it's pretty freaking awesome." He said, making Brenda burst out laughing. After everyone's glasses were filled, Santana asked,

"Whose ever given a blow job, and who too?" Brenda, Kitty, Santana, and Quinn drank their shots.

"Artie." Kitty said.

"Puck." Quinn said.

"Puck, and some other dude when I was drunk a really long time ago." Santana said. Everyone looked at Brenda, who had a tiara and a veil on her head, courtesy of Kurt and Rachel, leaning against Sam, giggling hysterically.

"What is so funny?" Marley asked.

"I-hahahaha- don't know!" She exclaimed.

"Well, who did you give a blow job too?" Puck asked. She looked at him seriously and pointed at him.

"That, sir, is none of your business. But Sam, if you must know, and multiple times." She said, laughing because Sam had started laughing again.

Friday, August 12th, 2022

8 days until the wedding

"Is everyone here?" Mary called, grabbing everyone's attention.

"No, Sam isn't here yet!" Someone called back.

"Where is that boy at then?" Grandpa Evans asked, looking around at everyone. Then Sam ran into the house, breathing hard.

"Sorry, sorry, I had to finish something." He said, out of breath and plopping down beside Brenda, stealing a grape from her.

"Go get you're own, Mr. Evans." She said, glaring at him playfully.

"Fine then, Mrs-Soon-To-Be-Evans." She grinned and pecked him on the lips.

"What were you finishing? You're vows? This late Sam, really?" Mary scolded him.

"No, I've had them down for a while now, they're all in my head." He said. "I don't have to write what I want to say to her on paper, unless it's a song, which is what I was working on." He told his mom.

"Oh, sorry. Well, let's get this Bridal Shower started!" She exclaimed, and started giving them presents. Brenda opened a box and looked inside of it, and then at Sam. They looked at each other.

"I think I should be insulted by this." He said. She burst out laughing and closed it, putting it on the table in front of her. Someone bought them a set of pillows that said Mrs. Evans and the other said Mr Evans.

"I seriously think I love these more than I should." Brenda said, making Sam laugh. Someone, Santana, bought Brenda lingerie the color of Sam's eyes. She lifted it out of the box, and raised her eye brow at Santana.

"It's so his eyes will be 'on you'." Santana said, grinning cheekily.

"That has to be the most corny thing ever." Sam said, laughing. After they got many, albeit weird, gifts, Sam handed Brenda a wrapped up box, that was square and about 4 inches tall on one end, and about an inch on the other.

"I thought we agreed to not get each other anything yet."

"Technically, all I got you was the thing everything's in." He said. She raised an eyebrow, confused."Just open it, you'll know what I mean in a second." She smiled and opened it. It was a scrapbook that had pictures of the both of them together on the front, them smiling at the camera in the middle, with her name on top, and his on the bottom.


"Just open it baby." He told her. She nodded and opened the first page, seeing a picture of her as a baby on one side, him as a baby on the other. She awed at the picture of him and flipped through the whole book, pictures filling up every page, titled at the top, like what year the pictures were taken, and the last ten pages, front and back, weren't filled yet. The page before that, had selfies that they'd taken together yesterday were printed and put on said page, and at the top of the next one said 'To be continued...'. Brenda, with tears in her eyes, leaned forward and kissed Sam on the lips.

"I love it. And I love you too. I can't wait to fill the rest of this, and more to come with you." She told him.

"I love you too baby. And me too."

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