81: Christmas Gifts

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Monday, December 9th, 2024

15 weeks and 6 days

Since the doctors appointment is on Wednesday, Sam and Brenda decided to go shopping today. After she woke up because of morning, they laid back down and a little while later, they got up and got ready to go to the mall, Sam getting Brooklyn ready as well. Brenda had on a big coat and you can't even tell that she is pregnant. On the way there, in the car, Brenda said,

"We need to tell Mallorie that I'm pregnant soon."

"I know. Don't we have to go to the studio some time this week?"He asked. She nodded."We can tell her then if you want." She grinned and nodded."We should tell everyone soon. You're already showing and you're gonna start getting bigger soon." She glared at him."That's not what I mean, Brenda. You're not fat, and you won't get fat." He said.

"Yes I will. I'm going to look horrible after I have them. Especially the stretch marks." She said, pouting. He parked the car and looked at her.

"Do you hear yourself? You're starting to sound like I did with my body after the accident. You're the one who helped me through it, and now you're going to just insult yourself?" He asked. She looked down." Brenda, you're beautiful. If someone asks me to define you, I'd say that you're beautiful, sweet, and caring. You might not get stretch marks, and even if you do, that won't make me love you any less? My love for you isn't about your looks, it's you. Having stretch marks from being pregnant isn't a bad thing, it's a blessing. It means that you are willing to stretch and make your body get used to a growing person inside of you, and not everyone has that. There are some women who are willing to have as many as it takes, just to have a baby that they can love and take care of." She still didn't look at him. He looked up and saw Finn, Rachel, Puck, and Quinn walking towards their car. He sighed and unbuckled before getting out and taking Brooklyn out of her car seat. She instantly smiled at him. She's almost ten months old now. Her smiled made him feel a little better. He got her diaper bag out and threw it over her shoulder before shutting the door. He walked around the side of the car to meet everyone else. Brenda was leaning against the door now, her hands in her pockets, barely talking to them. She glanced at him and walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his waist. She still didn't say anything to him as he wrapped his free arm around her. She let him go and Finn said,

"Why don't you girls go hang out and shop and do your thing and they guys and I will do our thing. Just not the pervert thing." He said kind of smartly, then stupidly. Sam shook his head at Finn.

"I'll handle Brooklyn while y'all do what ever." Sam told her quietly. She nodded and followed the girls without saying anything again.

"What's with you two?" Puck asked as they walked into the mall, Sam hugging Brooklyn closer to his body as they walked through paparazzi. They went into a store where it was only them and the old cashier lady. They went towards the back to look at stuff.

"She..."He sighed." You remember when we got in that damn accident and I was ashamed and hated myself because of the way I looked?" The two nodded, frowning."Well, I said something about how we need to tell everyone, not just our family and friends, since she's already showing and she's gonna get bigger. I didn't mean it like she was going to get fat or something, she just assumed that's what I meant. She said that she was going to look horrible after she has the twins with all the stretch marks. She's the one who helped me through all of that shit after the accident and now she's just gonna go and insult herself like I did. How do you think I feel about that? I mean, my god she's beautiful no matter what and she just doesn't understand it and it pisses me off." He said, sitting on the bench on the wall."So many would die for stretch marks or scars if it meant having a baby that they can love and take care of." Finn and Puck looked at each other, not really knowing what to say." And now she'll barely even look at me, let alone talk to me."

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