39: Another Evans

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Wednesday, September 7th, 2022

At the old house

"My babies are home!" Donna and Mary exclaimed at the same time, hugging them. Sam hissed slightly, when his mom touched his back.

"What happened to you're back?" She asked, but got interrupted as all of the Glee Alumni started asking Sam and Brenda questions. Once everything calmed down, Mary asked again,"What happened to your back." Sam's eyes widened and he backed away from his mom a bit.

"You're mom is gonna shit a brick." Finn said, causing all of the kids to look at him and say, at least, the ones who could talk,

"Ooo, you said a bad word!"

"Sam, let me see."


"Sam, just let her see it." Brenda said. "I'll show mine if you show yours." She said. He sighed and took off his shirt, and turned around. Everyone gasped.

"Samuel Dwight Evans." Mary exclaimed.

"At least it's not some nasty crap." He said, then pointed at the other one.

"Two!"She exclaimed. Then her eyes and facial expression soften after she realized what the tattoos said."I actually like that one." She said, talking about the smaller one on his side."I'm sorry I freaked out."

"It's alright, mama. Check out Brenda's." He said, and pulled Brenda's shirt up, showing her side.

"Now, I love that one." Mary said, looking at them.

"When did you get them?" Puck asked once everyone was seated and calm again.

"Yesterday- No, wait, what?" Sam said, confused. Brenda had her thinking face on.

"Today is the 7th, right?" She asked. Everyone nodded."We got them on the 5th, so, we got them on Monday. All this time junk is weird." She said. Sam nodded in agreement, making everyone laugh.

"So, did you guys have fun?" Santana asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

"A lot of fun." Sam said, doing the same thing, making her laugh and Brenda blush and smack him on the arm.

"He carried me across the threshold at like, 4:30 this morning when we got home. He said 'I, am carrying my wife across the threshold, it's tradition.' or something like that." Sam shrugged, but the girls awe'd. A little while later, Stevie came in and asked,

"Sam, will you come here for a minute?" He sounded really nervous.

"Yeah." Sam said, and followed Stevie outside. He sat on the porch with him."What's up?" Stevie sighed, looking straight ahead of him.

"While you and Brenda were on your Honeymoon....Elizabeth told me that she was um..."

"What?" Sam asked, hoping he wasn't going to say what he thought he was.

"She's pregnant." Stevie said quietly, shamefully."I know you're probably mad, but please don't yell. I've already been yelled at by Matthew and his wife, and mom and dad."

"Stevie, I'm not mad, and I'm not going to yell at you. I am disappointed though. Who all knows?"

"Pretty much everyone. Matthew told me I have to get a job and that Lizzy would have to live with us until him and his wife figured everything out. And I've tried to get a job, no one is hiring, and I don't know how to be a dad. I'm not ready. I feel like I'm going to fail the kid already, and Lizzy." He said, sniffing. Sam hugged him and Stevie started crying. Sam's eyes watered a bit, but he didn't full out cry like Stevie was."I can't do it."

"Stevie, yes you can. Dude, you're great with kids, especially Sandy, and the twins and the other twins." He said, confusing himself for a second.

"Yeah, but those are my siblings and my nephews, not my own kid." He said, sitting up and wiping his eyes. It was quiet for a few seconds, and Sam said,

"Look, I'll talk to Matthew, and see what he says, but Brenda and I are supposed to be going on a small, 4 month tour, starting in October, ending on February 1st. We'd be coming back for the holidays and all."

"What do I have to do with this?" He asked.

"I was thinking that you could be my opening act, since Brenda is just going to be a guest on the tour. And being an opening act is about $2,000 per show, and that's just from Matthew. I'd join in and add $1,500 to it, meaning, you'd get $3,500 per show, and there are going to be about 20 shows. That would be $70,000 for four months."

"Are you serious?" Stevie asked. Sam nodded."That would be awesome! How long have you been like, planning this though? I just told you that she's pregnant."

"I've been thinking about it since I found out I was going on tour." Sam said.

"Oh, well, if Matthew says it's alright, I'd love to do it. Lizzy would be 5 months then though."

"Well, most babies are born at 9 months, not 5."

"I know that, dick head."

"Stevie!" Sam exclaimed, tickling him and then running in the house. He sat with Brenda and hid behind her as Stevie came back in.

"Just wait, I'm gonna get you back for that." He said, grinning.

"What happened?" Brenda asked.

"He called me a d-head and then I tickled him." Sam said, trying not to say dirty words in front of the kids. Brenda laughed.

"What did he want to talk to you about though?" She whispered to him. He told her later that night while they were in bed, and she was disappointed too, but she was excited for them at the same time, and happy that she was going to have her brother-in-law on the tour.

There's going to be a pretty big time skip y'all! At least a year or so., just a little heads up. It might be less than a year though, we'll see!

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