49: Sam Hates Matthew

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Sunday, January 14th, 2024

37 weeks

7 PM

"Sam, Matthew is calling you!" Chord yelled to Sam from the living room, where Sam had left his phone. He jogged into he living room and answered the phone.


"Hey, what are you doing right now?"

"I'm in Ohio. I've already told you dude."

"Right, right. What about Brenda?"

"She's with me. You think I'd actually leave her alone somewhere, especially now?"

"No, you have a point. Sorry. Anyway, I need you to come to LA."



"What the hell? No, I'm not leaving right now, or tomorrow."

"You're job is on the line if you don't come."

"Why? Why do I have to leave my wife and family, today of all damn days, to go to LA?" Everyone stopped what they were doing and listened to Sam's side of the conversation.

"Because you're going on tour."

"No I'm not. I barely even got out of the last one."

"Yes you are, it's in Europe."

"When, and how long?"

"You'd leave in two days and you'd be gone for at least a year-"

"What. The. Fuck." Sam said, starting to get pissed off."Like Hell I'm going to Europe for a year. I'm not about to leave Brenda and our daughter like that-"

"They can go-"

"And I'm definitely not going to make them go. Especially because I'm not doing it."

"Do you want to lose your job? If you don't except this decision, it's the worst mistake you've ever made." Sam didn't say anything for a few seconds. Then he said quietly,

"Are you on something? I mean, seriously. I lose my job if I don't go on a tour half way across the world because I love Brenda? And our baby?"

"Pretty much."

"Listen to me, you bald headed son of a bitch. You can go stick your foot up your own damn ass, because I'm not doing it. And you don't have to fire me, because I'm done with your ass. I've dealt with your shit for almost five years. And the worst decision I ever made was signing with you." He said, and hung the phone up. Everyone looked at him, shocked.

"Do you realize this is going to be all over the news?" Brenda asked him.

"I don't give a fuck." He said, laughing as if something was funny, as he shook his head. She looked at him hurt."Because, he's been screwing with me for the last few years and I'm tired of him. He's already called me a 'Homeless Mother Fucker' so many times."

"You didn't have to be such an asshole." She said, glaring at him, tears, that he didn't even notice, starting to form.

"Oh, I'm the asshole? I guess you're agreeing with him now?"

"With the way you're talking to me, yes, I am agreeing with him. You are an asshole. I'm starting to think about why I even married you in the first place." She said, standing up and walking out the door with Mercedes. They were gone before he could even make it to the door. He started cussing at himself in the head. He went back in the house and Finn opened his mouth, but he held up a finger, closing his eyes and exhaling through his nose heavily.

"I know I just fucked up. You don't have to say a word." He said, still pissed, and went up stairs.


8 PM

"You okay?" Mercedes asked, sitting beside Brenda and giving her a cup of hot chocolate. Brenda nodded, sighing, and rubbed her belly.

"He's never talked to me like that." She said, looking at Mercedes.

"I'm not saying I'm agreeing with him, because I'm not. He was a bit of an asshole. But I mean, he probably just got worked up because of Matthew's ass, and he has been working on the nursery a lot, right?" Brenda nodded." Maybe he's tired, not just of Matthew, but tired all together. Hasn't he had some problems with his back?" Brenda nodded again." He's probably irritated with that too and took it out on you with out meaning too." Brenda didn't say anything. A little while later, she asked,

"Can you take me to my old house? I'm not staying with him tonight." Mercedes nodded and they left. When they walked in, Brenda looked at Mary and Dwight, and said,

"You're son is a complete asshole." Then she went upstairs to her old room. Mercedes sighed, and jumped when Chord wrapped his arms around her from behind.

"Where's Sam?"

"He's at his and Brenda's place, drinking beer with Puck and Finn. The girls and I left with the kids. Josie and the twins are in the guest room asleep."

"What happened?" Mary asked as Donna went upstairs to check on Brenda.

"They had an argument after Sam told Matthew off and said that he wasn't going to work for him anymore. He didn't say it like that, but with a lot of cussing." Chord said." She called him an asshole and then he started accusing her of being on Matthews side and then she said that he was an asshole again and that she doesn't know why she even married him."

"Spewing the 'F' word left and right."

"Sounds like you." Mary mumbled, talking about Dwight, who rolled his eyes.

"Why did Sam tell him off?" Dwight asked and they sat down.

"Well, Sam got mad at him because he wants him to go on a year long tour in Europe and he said he wasn't going to do it. Matthew told him that he'd lose his job if he didn't, which caused Sam to get even more pissed." Chord answered, and went on to tell them everything else while Brenda laid beside her mom on the bed in her old room, crying.

"He's never talked to me like that. He didn't even care that he hurt my feelings. He didn't even acknowledge the fact that I was crying." She cried into her shoulder.

"I know, sweetie. Just calm down okay? You don't want to hurt the baby or cause yourself to go into labor early." Brenda nodded and calmed down a little, before she fell asleep.

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