50: False Alarm

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Saturday, January 20th, 2024

37 weeks & 6 days

9 AM

It's been almost a whole week since Sam and Brenda have spoken, let alone seen each other. Sam has tried calling her, but she won't answer, and he's texted, telling her how sorry he was, and he knows she read them because it tells him whether or not she has or hasn't. The morning of the sixth day though, was when Brenda thought she was actually going into labor-Without Sam. She woke up to a sharp pain in her stomach. When it stopped, she thought nothing of it, but got up anyway. She started to go downstairs, but the pain came back, and it was harder than she'd ever felt. She screamed slightly when it happened, and had to sit on the top stairs.

"Mama!" She yelled. Mary and Dwight ran up the stairs, and Mary gasped when she saw her.

"What's wrong? Are you in labor?" Dwight asked as the two helped her up.

"I-I- Oh my god!" She exclaimed, bending over because of the pain. She tried to breath through it.

"Lets get her to the hospital." Mary said, and Dwight helped her down the stairs while Mary brought the car close to the front door. On the way, Brenda was freaking out.

"I'm not ready. Where's my mom? Someone needs to call Sam-Shit! Oh my god!" She groaned and squeezed the hell out of Dwight's hand.

"I'll call him right now." Dwight said, and took his phone out. After a few rings, Sam answered groggily.


"Are you up?"

"I am now."

"Well, get your ass outta the damn bed and get your ass to the hospital." Dwight said.

"What? Why?"

"Just hurry up and get dressed."

"Is Brenda okay?"

"She's in labor Sam. You just need to get to the hospital as fast as you can, okay?"

"I-O-Okay." Sam hung up and quickly got dressed before practically dragging Puck off the couch and making him go with him.

"What the hell man?"

"Shut up and get in." He said, cranking up the truck."Come on!"

"What's going on?"

"Brenda's in labor, you dip shit."

"Oh, cool."

"No, not cool! I'm not with her!"

Thirty minutes later, Sam and Puck were sitting in the waiting room with Mary, Dwight, Donna, and the usual Glee Alumni. He was the only one not sitting, but he was pacing back and forth.

"Sam, calm down." Dr. Lynda said, walking into the waiting room. His eyes widened.

"Is she okay?" He asked immediately.

"She is perfectly fine."

"What about the baby? Is she okay? What was going on?"

"The baby is fine as well, and very active today from what I can tell. It was a false alarm." Sam let out a huge breath he'd been holding."But it was caused from stress. Her blood pressure was pretty high, so she's going to have to be on bed rest for the last few weeks of the pregnancy." Sam nodded.

"Can I see her?" He asked. Dr. Lynda nodded and he followed her down the hall, the others staying in the waiting room.

"She might be asleep, because she got tired out. She was asking for you the whole time." Sam didn't respond. Brenda was asleep when they walked in, so he just sat in a chair next to her and Dr. Lynda left. He held her hand in his and put his hand on her belly, feeling the baby kick. He started crying, and he just kept whispering 'I'm sorry' over and over for a few minutes, until he felt Brenda shifting. She took her hand from his and put it on his head. He looked up and saw her looking at him. He stood up quickly and sat on the bed next to her, apologizing repeatedly.

"I'm so sorry. I feel horrible. I didn't mean to talk to you like that. I hate myself for what I said to you. I'm sorry." He said, starting to cry again. Her eyes watered a bit, but she wiped his cheeks.

"It's okay, Sammy. Don't hate yourself. We've already had this conversation."

"I know but...I'm sorry. Sorry that I wasn't with you when this all happened. I'm the reason it happened anyway-"

"How is it your fault, Sam? Because it's not."

"Yes it is. You've been stressed because of how much of an idiot I am."

"No, Sam. I'm almost 9 months pregnant. I'm stressed period, no matter when you do, I would still somehow get stressed out."

"I'm sorry."

"Stop apologizing. Just lay down and cuddle with me because I'm tired and I miss cuddling." She said. He smiled slightly but did as she asked, and they both fell asleep.

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