86: Sick

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Tuesday, February 4th, 2025

24 Weeks

When Sam woke up that morning, he felt horrible. His throat hurts, his head hurts, his nose is runny, and his entire body ached. Brenda was curled up on the other side of the bed. He looked at the clock on the wall and groaned quietly. It was 5:30 AM. He got up and went in the bathroom and blew his nose, which made his head hurt even worse. He laid back down and covered up as much as he could; he was freezing. He somehow managed to fall back asleep. The next time he woke up, he was alone and he felt even worse if that was possible. He looked at the clock again and saw that it was 10:30 AM. he sighed and put his head back on the pillow instead of getting up. Brenda and Kelsey were up with the babies.

"Where's dad?" Kelsey asked.

"He's still upstairs in the bed." Kelsey nodded and went back to her breakfast. Brenda made a face. Sam would have usually been up by now, especially if he smelled food, which is easy to smell from their room."I'm gonna go check on him." She told Kelsey, who nodded again. She slowly went upstairs. He was laying on his side, curled up with the blanket wrapped all the way around him. His face was a bright red. He looked at her when she walked in. She walked over tot he bed and sat down next to him, rubbing his arm.

"You alright?" She asked. He shook his head.

"I don't feel good." He mumbled.

"Well, how do you feel?" She asked.

"I'm c-cold. My throat hurts, my nose is runny, my head hurts, and my whole body aches." He said quietly. She put her hand on his forehead.

"You are warm. I'm going to go get the thermometer and check your temp." She told him. He nodded. She went into their bathroom and got it. She put it in his mouth and rubbed his side. After a couple minutes, she took it out."Yep, you have a fever."

"What is it?"

"102.3. I'm going to call your mom and see if her and Dwight can come over and watch the kids. You're going to the doctor." He moaned pitifully.

"I don't want to go anywhere." He whined.

"I know, sweetie, but going to the doctor will make you feel better. And you remember what happened last time. I don't want the kid to have to go through that." He sighed and nodded."I'm going to go downstairs and call Mary and make an appointment. Go back to sleep for a little while and I'll come get you up in a little bit." Sam nodded and she kissed his forehead. She sat in the living room with the kids.

"Is dad okay?" Kelsey asked.

"He's sick. I'm gonna call your grandma and grandpa and see if they can come watch you four while I take him to the doctor." Brenda told her. Kelsey nodded. She made an appointment for 12:30 and then called Mary.


"Hey, mom. Are you and Dwight going to be busy today?" She asked.

"No, not that I know of. Why?"

"Can you come watch the kids? Sam is sick and I'm taking him to the doctor to make sure what happened last time doesn't happen again. He looks miserable."

"Of course! We'll be there in a few minutes." They hung up. Brenda checked on Sam again but he was busy in the bathroom throwing up. She grimaced but rubbed his back until he was done.

"Sorry." He said hoarsely.

"It's alright baby. You do it for me." She told him, and helped him back into bed, giving him another blanket. She went downstairs and a few minutes later, Mary and Dwight arrived with Sandy. Mary checked on Sam, and stayed with him for a little while until it was time for him and Brenda to leave. On the way there, Brenda had to stop the car for him to throw up. He didn't throw up anymore after that. He signed in sleepily and sat with Brenda in the corner. She put her arm around his shoulder, trying to make him feel better.

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